Order Items

Order Items tab

The Order Items page allows you to Add, edit, delete and Receive items and Invoices against the Purchase Order. Note that deleting an item that has already been received into stock will NOT adjust inventory levels.

Sorted By

Sorts the list items alphabetically by the Product ID or the order they have been entered in.

Freight includes Tax

Select this option if the Freight figure entered is inclusive or exclusive of tax.

Tax Code

The default tax code that will be assigned to all items ordered including Freight.


The total value of freight charged on this Purchase Order.

Order Total

The total dollar value of the order.


This button is a shortcut to this purchase orders suppliers details in the Contacts Maintenance. Use this to access the suppliers details for reference purposes or to update the suppliers details.


This button is a shortcut to the Product Maintenance of the product that is currently selected. You can search for a product for reference purposes, for the purpose of updating the product details or adding a new product.

Bulk Add Item

Use this feature to order products that are not yet setup in tsm. Enter the product name into the ITEM field, DESCRIPTION, QUANTITY and COST PRICE. If this order is linked to a contract job then the order can be linked to a stage or variation. When the items are received, tsm will create these products in the Products Maintenance capturing the Item details into the product id field and the description and item cost details into their respective fields.

Supplier Time

Selecting this button will convert any time sheet entries on the job card into purchase order line items. This only applies to employee time entries where the employee has been linked to a Supplier in their Employee card (see the bottom right hand corner of the Main Details tab of the Employee Card). A product for the subcontractor labour will have to be created and then nominated as the default product added to the purchase order. Do this by going go to Utilities / Set up / Set up / Purchase Orders / enter the product id into the PRODUCT ID FOR SUPPLIER TIME field.