Receive Items

Order Receipts screen

When you receive the items you have ordered, click the Receive button on the Order Items tab to tell TSM that the goods have come in. If there are no items to receive, TSM will display a message advising you that there is nothing to receive. TSM allows you to receive all the items ordered or to part receive and create back orders. Additionally, you can receive with the supplier invoice or defer invoice entry to a later time when the invoice arrives.

All un-received items will be displayed in the Order Receipts screen. You can update any of the information displayed in the yellow columns. Information required includes:

Receipt Control Total

The total dollar value of items being received. This is optional and can be used as a check total against this receipt. This is valuable when you want to ensure that you entered all of the financial details correctly to match the receipt. If you are receiving the goods without the invoice then leave this field blank.

Which orders

Toggle this view between current order and all open supplier orders.

New Receipts / Supplier Invoice

TSM allows the entry of supplier invoice details some time after the receipt of items ordered. This is convenient when goods are delivered with a delivery docket and the invoice follows some time later.

This gives you the option to receive a shipment with or without the invoice details to support it. If you are receiving an order with the goods (with or without the invoice) then select New Receipts. If however you have already received the goods but have later received the invoice and wish to confirm the invoice details with the goods received, select Supplier Invoice. See below for details about supplier invoices.

Inventory Asset Account

The Inventory asset account assigned to this item.


The cost price of the item. You can adjust it here if the invoice has a different cost.


The price you will be selling the item to the customer for if the item is linked to a job card.

Receipt Quantity

The quantity of the item you are receiving. Reduce the quantity if partial goods have been receipted.


The freight charge for the item, to be used in conjunction with the All Open Supplier Orders view.


Any reference you want to assign the item receipted.

Sorted by

A sorting control that allows to order the list by Product ID, entry order or the Order #.

Received Date

The date the items where physically received.

Supplier Invoice No.

The supplier's invoice number. Enter this if you have the invoice details when receiving the goods otherwise leave it blank. Note: If you enter an invoice number here, ensure that you enter the correct cost price against each item entered. A supplier invoice entry will be automatically created in the Supplier Invoice tab on the Order. Note: TSM will check if a duplicate supplier invoice number is entered for the selected supplier and will give you a warning if it finds one.

Supplier Invoice Date

The date on the Supplier Invoice. Note: If during the item receive process you entered an invoice number but leave the Invoice Date blank, this value will default to the actual received date.

Supplier Invoice Due Date

The date the Supplier Invoice is due for payment. Note: The Invoice Due Date will be calculated when you enter the Supplier Invoice Date based on the supplier’s payment terms, but you can change it here.

Shipped Via

Specifies how the ordered item(s) will be delivered eg. by Courier.


The freight cost on the Supplier Invoice.

Delivery Docket Number

Enter the Delivery Docket / consignment note reference number assigned to this receipt.

Print Label on Non-Job/Job Receipt

Automatically print an item label when you receive the goods. This enables you to attach item identification labels to the goods received. Label information could include part number, description, price etc. Note: The number of labels printed is based on the label printing options you have selected in Product Maintenance. If you selected None in Inventory Maintenance, then no labels will be printed. Selecting Item will print one label regardless of the quantity received. Selecting Quantity will print the same number of labels as the quantity received.

Recalculate marked up inventory sell prices

This option is useful if the cost price the items are being received at needs to change from order to order. Ticking this will ensure that the price markups will be recalculated on the Product Maintenance module.

Update Inventory Prices

Checking this will recalculate your inventory sell price based on the cost price and any mark-ups set up in Product Maintenance. Note: Sell prices will only be updated when the sell price does have a markup % assigned in Inventory Maintenance.

Post this Supplier Invoice

Tick this box if you want this supplier invoice to be available for posting to your accounting package. If this is not ticked, the supplier invoice will not post to the accounting package.

Accumulate freight to order.

Selecting this option will accumulate the freight amount entered here to the order freight total.

Clear Unreceived Items

Ticking this option will reset the on-order quantity to zero for any unreceived items, effectively removing any back orders.


Use this to receive all items on the order form. Click on the Auto Qty button to indicate that you want to receive all the items or manually enter the quantity of each item to receive. You can adjust the values in any of the yellow columns. To receive the selected items, press the Receive Now button, otherwise, press Cancel. If the quantity of any item received is less than the quantity ordered, TSM will receive the quantity you entered and create a new line item for the outstanding quantity. If the purchase order is linked to a Job Card, the received part will automatically be put onto the Job Card.