

Allow multiple Employees to be assigned to a single default location?

Do you want to allow more than one employee to be assigned the same default location.

Default Hourly Cost

Default Hourly cost to apply to employee time sheets if employee does not have their own hourly cost. This is useful if you want to assign a notional cost to all time sheets regardless of whether you have assigned an hourly cost to an employee or not.

Default Security Group for new employees

All new employees will be assigned automatically to the security group selected her. Leave blank to disable.

Visual Assignment Scheduler

First line of assignment text is

What should appear on the first line of the assignments in the Visual Scheduler. Choose from one of the following:

Drag Assignments from the top/side bar

Toggles the dragging function between the top and the left-hand side of the assignment.

Warn when assignment overlap

A warning will pop up is an assignment is created that overlaps another assignment for the same Employee.

Email Settings

TSM Email / Report Scheduler Client TSM/MAPI

This setting determines wether TSM email will be directed to your MAPI-compliant client (such as Outlook) or through the in-built TSM client. If set to TSM Email, the mail settings will need to be entered below. Please contact your IT Tech support for the correct settings to enter in the following fields.

POP3 and SMTP Hosts

The mail server names for incoming and outgoing mail.

Logon Name and Password

The logon name and password for incoming (POP3) mail server.

Authentication username and password

The authentication details for the outgoing (SMTP) mail server.

Colour Code Assignments / Job Centre by Status Code / Job Type

This setting determines which of the colour settings from the codes setup for Status Code and Job Type is used on the Job centre.

Note: Job centre colours need to be on (Job Centre Options tab) for this to work.