

Tick the required option to allow the employees in the Security Group to access these functions:

Employees This must be ticked to access any of the Employee maintenance functions.
Add Add new employees.
Edit Make changes to existing employees.
Delete Delete employees.
Update Employee ID Assign the employee with a new ID. Links to existing data are updated with the new ID.
Update Passwords Allow the password of any employee to be changed except for an employee in the Supervisor group.
Bypass Qualification Restrictions Bypass the check for a match on the employee's qualifications with the qualification requirements of the job when adding time or assigning an employee.
Assign Security Groups Allow the users in this group to add employees to, or remove employees from, security groups other than the supervisor group.
See other peoples' tasks Allow the users in this group to see tasks of employees in employee groups other than their own.
View Employee Costs Allow the users in this group to see other employees' costs.
Restrict data to Employee's Department When viewing TSM data (jobs, assignments, time, etc), restrict this to the employee's own department.
Restrict data to Employee or Supervisor Group When viewing TSM data (jobs, assignments, time, etc), restrict this to the Employee ID or the employees in the Supervisor group.