Job Cards

Job Cards

Tick the required option to allow the employees in the Security Group to access these functions:

Job Cards This must be ticked to access any of the Job Card functions.
Contract Jobs This must be ticked to access any of the Contract Job functions.
Add Add new Job Cards / Contract Jobs.
Edit Make changes to existing Job Cards / Contract Jobs.
Delete Delete Job Cards / Contract Jobs.
Job Details Display the Job Details page.
Complete Job Card Complete a job. This changes the Job Status to COMPLETED and assigns a Completed Date.
Complete Contract Job Complete a Contract job. Assign a Completed Date to complete the contract job.
Create / Print Invoices Invoice a Job / print Job invoices.
Edit Job Notes Change the Job Notes on a job.
Add Job Notes Add new Job Notes to a job.
View Job Audit Trail View a job's audit trail by right clicking on the Job Notes button.
Update Quotes Update quoted job details.
Show Costs Show cost prices on parts used and job profitability on invoice page.
Ignore Minumin Margin Ignore the check for minumin margin when a job is completed. Minumin margin is determined by the Service Code.
Add Parts Used Add parts used to a job.
Edit Parts Used Edit parts used on a job.
Delete Parts Used Delete parts used from a job.
Edit completed jobs Make changes to completed jobs.
Edit invoiced jobs Make changes to invoiced jobs (excluding financial information).
Edit financial info on invoiced jobs Make changes that affect financial information on invoiced jobs.
Delete zero balance invoices Delete invoices that have a zero balance.
Delete unpaid invoices Delete invoices that have not had any payments made against them.
Edit the Logged By field Make changes to the Logged By field.
Complete Jobs with open orders Allow jobs with open purchase orders to be completed.
Edit the Invoiced Date Change the invoice date.
Edit Billable / Unbillable Change a Job to Billable or Unbillable.
Convert to Contract Jobs Allow regular jobs to be converted to Contract jobs.
Change the Department Code Allow the Department Code to be changed once set.
Delete Cont.Job Stages. Cost Centre, etc Allow deletion of a Contract Job stage, cost centre and anything related to it.
Edit Scheduled Job Rollover Date When rolling over a scheduled job, allow the rollover date to be changed.
View sensitive financial information Show sensitive financial information, eg profitability.
Edit/Delete invoiced parts / time used Change or delete Time or Parts Used on a job after it has been invoiced.
Enable Actual Parts on POS Invoices Allow entry of Actual parts on POS invoices or restrict entry to Quoted parts.