User Options v6.83

The User Options screen allows some measure of personalisation for the user's login. These settings are stored for each user individually.

Tick Boxes


Pressing the reset button will reset all user values to default values and clear out all user specific information including saved form positions, job centre settings, history column positions etc.

TSM Logo

When TSM starts up, the background screen can display a logo. Options include

You can turn this background off by selecting the Custom option and leaving the file name blank. Leaving the background logo blank can significantly reduce screen redraw times when using TSM on Microsoft Windows Terminal Server or Citrix where screen display time is longer than usual.

Pop Up Job Centre on Startup

Should TSM automatically pop up the Job Centre when TSM starts up.

Pop Up Task List on Startup

Should TSM automatically pop up the Task List when TSM starts up.

Pop Up Visual Assignment Scheduler on Startup

Should TSM automatically pop up the Visual Assignment Scheduler when TSM starts up.

Automatically Refresh Job Centre

Check this option for the Job Centre to periodically refresh its display or uncheck this option to manually use the Refresh button to refresh the display.

Automatically refreshing the Job Centre display can provide significant benefits in terms of managing the current job workload however, refreshing the display can use up significant system resources, causing TSM to pause while the display redraws.

Disable Screen Resizing

Screen resizing will be disabled.

Remember Last Service/Contract/POS Job Opened

This option will toggle whether or not job cards default to the last job in the system or the last job opened. There are three options that will enable this functionality for the Service, Contract and POS Job modules individually.

Remember last Purchse Order number

Same functionality as above, but for the Purchase Orders Module.

Task Bar Visible

Select this option to display the TSM Task Bar on the left side of the TSM screen. Unselecting this option will remove the TSM Task Bar from the TSM screen.

You can still access the Toolbar options from the pull down Action menu.

Large Icons on Taskbar

Should the TSM Task Bar display large (checked) or small icons (unchecked).

Start Report Scheduler on Startup

Should TSM automatically pop up the Report Scheduler when TSM starts up.

Default Job EmployeeID to logged in user

Defaults the current logged in user to a job.

Resize text when resizing forms

When expanding a window, whether or not the text resizes with it.

Disable Automatic Screen Resizing to last known size

By default TSM will remember the size of each module the user sets. This functinality can be disabled if it is found to take up too many resources.

Other Options

Email From addressed as

Sets the From address in the email header sent from TSM, using the TSM email functionality by this user. There are three options: Deafult - defaults to the system option in Miscelaneous Setup for Email, Yourself - defaults to the Employee's email address on the Employee Module and Company Email, which uses the company email address on the Company Setup screen.

TSM Email client

Sets the email client preferences for this user. Selecting anything other than the Default will override the settings in Miscelaneous Setup for Email:

Option Description
Default Uses the Default setting from Miscelaneous Setup for Email.
TSM Email Defaults this user's email to the TSM Email client. This allows the use of TSM Email Templates and to cicumvent any issues interfacing with the default Windows Email client (usually Outlook).
MAPI Compliant Defaults this user's email to the default email client in Windows (this is set in Start→Control Panel→Internet Options→Programs).
TSM Email Sent via MAPIAllows the use of TSM Email templates, but sends the message via the default Windows Email client. When used in conjunction with Outlook, this will result in the message being registered in the Outlook Sent box.
Idle Time

Automatically logs a uder out if idle for this many minutes. Zero to disable (default). This can be used to clear out any users who forget to log out at the end of the day, so that the automated backup can run successfult.

Note: Users with unsaved data will still not be logged out.

Job Popup warning delay (minutes)

This option specifies the number of minutes before the job's due date & time to pop up a warning for this user (they must be the primary employee on the job). Zero to disable (default).

Check job pop up frequency (minutes)

Sets the frequency with which the popup warning is to be displayed for this user.


Switches the language for all the labels in TSM modules and reports. English is the default.

Search Screen Input Delay (seconds)

This is the amount of time, in seconds after entering text to search for in a search window before TSM looks up the value entered and redraws the search screen.

Setting too low a value will cause TSM to redraw too quickly before you have had time to type your search text.

Screen Colour

Sets the modules colour in TSM. The default is the Windows theme. Tick Default Colour to return the screen colour to normal.

Time Offset Hours

Displays the times in TSM with an offset specified here. Records in TSM will still be saved using the server time. This option is useful for users operating in a different time zone from that of the server TSM is on.

Email attachement & Printer settings

Default Email Attachement Path

Sets the directory to which TSM will browse by default when attaching an email. For example, this can be the user's desktop or Windows documents folder.

Printer settings

Setting these will override the default Windows printer settings found in Start→Control Panel→Printers. This can be used to direct certain reports in TSM to a local printer - i.e. attached to the user's machine and not available on the office network, such as label printer. All reports can be thus directed (General), or selectively the Invoice, Job Card, Delivery Docket, Label or Orders reports.

Note: Logging in as this user on another machine may produce a warning message pertainignnto the local printer not being found on another machine.