Table of Contents

Job Equipment

This tab displays a list of all equipment attached to the job.

If this is populated you can long click on a specified item in the Equipment list to view its details. You can also search the equipment already attached to the job by using the search field.

Attach a new equipment

Click to attach a new eqiupment to the job

You can search the equipment by clicking to search a new equipment from TSM.

Search and attach an equipment to the job

Equipment Detail 1

You can see the Equipment Detail 1 page as follow after select a equipment record in the grid

This form displays the main details about the equipment including its description and serial number as well as some basic job information.

Equipment Detail 2

The Equipment Detail 2 screen allows for additional equipment information to be entered including quantity, warranty date and up to date counters.

Equipment Maintenance

This screen will allows for adding Equipment against Maintenance part records from TSM.

Equipment Text

The Text fields allow for Service Requested and Job Comments (work performed) to be entered.

Equipment Check List

Equipment check list can allow you to answer a list of checklist question on this equipment.

Please refer to Checklists for more details about setting up an equipment check list

Equipment Signature

View an existing equipment

By long clicking on the equipment record in the equipment list, the equipment details will be displayed. You can edit the equipment details and answer the checklist.