The Time Sheets module is used to record the work performed by Employees and the usage of Resources, either in the office or out on site. These Timesheets can be for specific Jobs, specific Customers, or standalone.
Along with the time taken, the Cost to the business and Price to Invoice the Customer are also calculated and recorded.
A grid containing all Timesheet entries can be seen in the List View, the currently selected record in the Detail View, and a graphical representation displayed in the Visual Calendar.
A new Timesheet can be created for a single Employee or Resource by selecting them from the appropriate dropdown. Note that expired Employees or Resources (those with a finish date set) will not appear in these dropdowns. Timesheets can be raised for Multiple Employees/Resources at a time by clicking the appropriate button.
The total dollar amount to Invoice a Customer for the Time Sheet is calculated as the Billable Hours multiplied by the Hourly Rate (multiplied by the Usual Hours if specified).
The Cost to the business of the Employee or Resource time taken is calculated as Hours Worked multiplied by the Employee's Hourly Cost, and is modified by the Labour Type's Cost Multiplier, and added to by Hourly Allowance, Overhead, and Addition Hourly Cost.
Setting the Start and Finish times will populate the Hours Worked and Billable Hours or these can be manually entered.
The Rate can also be manually entered, or set depending on the Hourly Time Sheet Rate option found on the Job Logging tab of the Jobs module:
The Labour Type can also set the Usual Hours, Billable Hours, Tax Code, Hourly Allowance, Additional Hourly Cost, and is used to set Increment (e.g. charging in 15 minute increments). Usual hours is used to bill units as opposed to time (e.g. Setting to .5 means you bill in half an hour blocks, so making the Billable 3 means charging 3×0.5 hours worth of work).
To link the current Timesheet being created to a Job or Customer, enter the Job number or CustomerID in the appropriate fields, or use the Search button to select the record. These fields will be automatic populated when raising a Time Sheet from the Jobs module. Once linked, the Timesheet's Total can be added to an Invoice.
When the Split Past Regular Hours is option checked, TSM will automatically split Timesheets for days and times which are outside the Work Hours defined on each specific Employee or Resource record, (or in Setup if the previous are blank). The time during office hours will use the Labour Type you have set on the Timesheet, while the time after hours will use the Default Overtime Labour type defined in Setup.
The Adjust for Lunch option will subtract the Lunch period from the Hours Worked, and add a separate Timesheet for the period using the Default Labor Type for Lunch in Setup.
Creating Timesheets for Employees and Resources can be done using the Select Employees/Resources Dialogue, accessed by clicking the Multiple Employees/Resources button. Choose an Employee or Resource Group from the top dropdowns, select which record to add in the Available column, and use the arrow buttons to set which Employees and Resources will have a Timesheet created. Click the X button to close the dialogue, and enter the date and other Timesheet information to complete the creation.
The members of Groups are set in the Groups tab of the Employee and Resource modules, or in Codes Setup.
The Visual Calendar allows the graphical display and management of Timesheets for all Employees and Resources.
The top left section displays a tree view which allows the selection of Timesheets entries against particular Employees, Resources, and Groups, as well as Labour Types, Job Status codes, Locations, and Departments. Check the box beside each to display Timesheets for these records.
Right-clicking on an Timesheet brings up a menu which allows you to Edit or Deleted the record, or View the associated Job.
New Timehseets can be created by dragging an area inside the main calendar screen. Dragging across multiple days will create multiple Timesheets, depending on the Work Hours defined on the Employee/Resource.
Each existing Timesheet can have its date and time changed by left-clicking and dragging the box for the record to the new date/times.