Table of Contents


[Setup Utility Screen]

The Setup utility controls system wide settings in TSM. These settings and options are broken up into the modules they control:


The Company section options control settings relating to your organisation.


Sets the date format (D/M/Y or M/D/Y).

Office Hours

Sets the usual working hours for Employees. Logging a Timesheet which goes over these times will split the Timesheet, creating multiple entries (using the 'Default Overtime Labour type' for after hours work). Times set on specific Employees and Resources will override these settings.

Lunch Hours

Sets the lunch hours for Employees. Logging a Timesheet which goes over lunch will subtract the lunch period from Timesheet's Hours Worked and Billable Hours, and add a TImehsheet for the lunch period using the 'Default Labor Type for Lunch' defined in setup.


Minimum Password Length/must contain a Number/Character

Forces TSM Employee login passwords to have a certain complexity for strength purposes.

Confirm Deletions

Will prompt the user to type 'YES' before records can be deleted.


Automatic Invoice Numbering

Configures TSM to prompt for a number when raising a new invoice, or populate the number automatically.

Next Invoice Number

When using Automatic Invoice Numbering, sets which number to use next.

Use Invoice Number Prefix/Suffix

Allows the use of a Prefix and/or Suffix to be appended to Invoice numbers.

Display sets invoice printed date

Flags whether generating an Invoice by printing it to screen populates the Invoice Printed Date field.

Cents Rounding

Rounds the Job and subsequent Invoice total to the nearest number of cents (usually 5).

Default part number for invoice labour items

Sets which ProductID to use when Invoicing Timesheets.

Fee type for credit notes

Sets which ProductID to use on the Fee record when raising a Credit Note.

Default Payment Terms

When a Customer does not have Payment Terms specified against them, this option sets which Payment Terms are used (to calculate the Invoice Due Date).

Automatically place new invoices on hold

Flags newly raised Invoices as On Hold, which prevents changes being made to them and disallows posting to an accounting package until they have been reviewed and set to Closed.

Invoice Aging Based On

Calculates whether the number of days an Invoice is considered outstanding starts from the Invoice Date or Invoice Due Date.

Invoice Comment

Sets a message which will be displayed on all Invoices generated out of TSM.

1st/2nd/3rd Period Aging Days

Sets the number of days an Invoice has been outstanding, used in aged debtors reports and setting custom Invoice Comments.

1st/2nd/3rd Period Aging Comments

Replaces the default Invoice comment with one appropriate for each aging period.


Status Code Triggers

Status Code Triggers are used to change a Job's Status Code upon certain events. This is the primary method by which Job workflow is tracked and executed.


Due time for warning (minutes)

Sets the number of minutes before the Job Due date, to pop up a warning to the Job's

Frequency of checking for due time warning (minutes)

Sets how often TSM should check for Jobs which are due.

Warn when saving jobs without assigned employee

Pops up a warning dialogue box when saving a Job and no Employee has been set on the Job Logging tab.

Warn when completing jobs without assigned employee

Pops up a warning dialogue box when completing a Job and no Employee has been set on the Job Logging tab.

Warn when adding transactions to completed jobs

Pops up a warning dialogue box when adding Parts, Time, Fees, and Expenses to a Job which has been completed.

Job Defaults

Automatic Job Numbering

Configures TSM to prompt for a number when raising a new Job, or populate the number automatically.

Next Job Number

When using Automatic Job Numbering, sets which number to use next.

Use Job Number Prefix/Suffix

Allows the use of a Prefix and/or Suffix to be appended to Job numbers.

Separator of job prefix/suffix and job number

Allows you to customise which character to use to separate Job numbers and their prefix and suffix.

Automatically set job due date

Tick this to set the Job Due Date field to the Job Logged date when first raising a Job.

Use site customer priority

When raising a new Job, this defaults the Job's Priority to the Customer's default Priority, or the Site Customer's default Priority.

Customer Details Phone is

Selects whether to populate the Customer's Phone # field on Jobs with the Customer's default Home or Work Phone number.

Default service fee

Automatically adds a fee to all new Jobs raised, using the selected ProductID. The Price to charge is dependant on the Customer's Price Level.

Minimum charge amount

Sets a minimum Job Total. When completing a Job, the difference between the Job Total and the Minimum amount will be added to the Job as a Fee.

Minimum charge job fee

When a Minimum Charge Amount is set, and the Enforce Minimum Charge option is enabled on a Job, a Fee with this ProductId will be added to the Job, for the difference between the Job Total and the Minimum amount.

Due time delay (minutes)

Sets the Job Due Date and Time to be these number minutes after the Job Logged Date and Time (when no priority has been set).

Default Job Duration

Sets the Job Estimated Duration (in hours).

Calculate estimated end date

Uses the Due date and Estimated duration to set the Estimated End date and time.

Default sell price / labour type based on

Sets whether the default Labour Type and Price Level used when adding items to a Job comes from the Job's Main Customer or Billing Customer record.

Default sell price to cost if zero

When adding Parts or Expenses, and there is no default Price set, the Price will change to equal the Cost.

Allow temporary or blank part # to be used

Allows adding of Parts Used, Fees, and Expenses, without specifying an existing ProductID.

Record Job Items Tax Breakdown

Allows the use of nested Tax Rates. Turn off if not required due to speed issues.

Auto create primary assignment

When a Job has a Due date, Estimated Duration, and an Employee set on the Job Logging tab, this option allows an Assignment to be automatically created using the Job's details.


Max Product Number Length

Sets the maximum allowed length of ProductIDs, for compatibility with other applications.

Non-Inventory Parts Sell Price Markup (%)

The default Markup % to use when adding Parts Used records without an existing Product record.


Max Customer Code Length

Sets the maximum allowed length of CustomerIDs, for compatibility with other applications.

New Customer ID Calculation

Defines how CustomerIDs are generated automatically if not manually specified.

Next Customer #

When New Customer ID Calculation is set to sequential, sets the next number in the series to use.


Max Employee Code Length

Sets the maximum allowed length of Employee IDs, for compatibility with other applications.

Time Sheets

Enable time offset

Allows you specify a time offset, which reduces the hours worked, but keeps the start and finish times for recording purposes.

Split time entries past regular hours

Enables the Split option on Time Sheets by default, which automatically creates multiple timesheets when going over standard work hours (defined in Company section of setup)

Time split by actual time or ratio?

When splitting timesheets, if the billable is less than the actual time, this will distribute the billable hours among the multiple timesheets as a ratio, or sequentially.

Default overtime labour type

When raising a timesheet going over the work hours defined in setup, the time sheets which are after hours will use the labour type specified here.

Default Labor Type for Lunch

When raising a timesheet going over the lunch period defined in setup, the time sheet will have its billable and hours worked reduced by the lunch period, and another timesheet will be raised for the lunch period, using the labour type defined here.

Employee Labour Type overrides all others

Ignores default Customer and Job Labour Types when raising a timesheet.

Allow timesheet overlaps

Prevents overlapping timesheets from being saved.

Round Time Billing Hours Up to Nearest (minutes)

Sets the billable to the next set of x minutes (e.g. for charging in 15 minute blocks).

Automatically calculate time sheet duration from start / finish time

Sets whether the billable and hours worked are automatically populated using the start/finish times.

Allow duplicate docket numbers in job time entries

Allows or prevents duplicate docket numbers.

Warn if credit limit is exceeded
Warn when job time entries overlap

Pops up warning when timesheet entries already exist for the same time for the employee or resource.


Enable Linked Primary Assignment

Linked Primary Assignments are an Assignment on each Job, for which changes made to the assignment will reflect back on the Job, and vice-versa.

Colour Code Assignments background by

Sets which colour to use for Assignments on the VAS.

Assignment Overlap Warning

Sets whether to prompt and/or prevent saving of overlapping Assignments.


Defines the server settings for inbound (POP) and outbound (SMTP) email.