Job Information, details of the job.
Contact or Client details refers to “Company ID”, “Company”, “Contact”, “Phone” and “Email”.
“Site ID”,“Site Address” and “Site Contact” identify where the job is requested and contact person.
“Logged by” name refers to the contact person who created the job in TSM Self Service.
“Priority”, “Service Requested” and “Job Type” maybe define by contact during job creation. TSM Customer are allowed to modify or update these fields.
TSM Customer details are also available. Such us assign “Employee”, “Start Date”, “Completed” date, “Biller” details and “Service Code”. “Worked Performed” refer to job notes written by the assign employee.
“Status Code” is the job status. Status update depends on job activity or process.
“Add notes to service request”, allows contact to append service notes. Just click to open a small window on the side and write necessary notes. Click Save and it will be added as another line item (date/time and notes) to “Service Requested”. This is the only field a Contact or Client are allowed to update for any existing open status job.