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Schedules Not Appearing in Cards
Schedules Not Appearing in Cards
Incident Description
A Maintenance Schedule is not appearing in the ‘Process Maintenance Schedules’ (Cards) list and hence cannot be processed.
There are four different settings which can prevent a schedule from appearing in the cards – the schedule expiry date, an incomplete job in schedule history, the next schedule filter, and the ‘roll forward’ setup option.
1. A schedule cannot be processed if it has been expired. You can check this setting by bringing up the appropriate Maintenance Contract and clicking Equipment Details→ Schedules→ Schedule Details and checking if the ‘Expiry’ Field has a date specified.
A schedule may also be expired if the ‘Expiry Date’ on the ‘Main Site’ tab is set and the ‘Auto-Expire schedules’ option is checked.
2. A schedule can only be processed if there are no uncompleted jobs which have been created from it. On the Schedule history tab of the Schedules screen, locate any jobs listed which have do not have a completed date. Click the view button to bring up the job, and complete the job by entering a completed date or clicking the ‘Complete’ button on the Invoicing tab.
3. The schedule will not appear in Cards if the ‘Next’ date of the schedule is not between the dates specified on the ‘Process Maintenance Schedules’ screen itself (located by clicking Action→ Maintenance→ Cards button). Simply ensure the ‘Next’ date of the specific schedule falls within the date range specified on this screen.
4. If the ‘Next’ date of the schedule is in the past, and the option ‘Roll forward past schedules to next after today’ (located in Utilities→ Setup→ Maintenance tab) is checked, the schedule will not appear in the ‘Process Maintenance Schedules’ screen (if the rollover date is outside the cards range. Either uncheck this option or roll forward the schedule to allow it to be processed.