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Installing Customised TSM Report files

Installing Customised TSM Report files

Incident description:

You have requested a customised report from The Service Manager.


Two files will be supplied to you in the format xxxxN.frt and xxxxN.frx where xxxx is the name of the original report, and N is the number of time the report has been duplicated.

[Job Card Reports Screen]

e.g. Quote3.frx and Quote3.frt would be the third copy of the Quote report.

Before you can copy these files into your TSM directory you must first create a report file to replace.

1. To do this, go in to the Report section of TSM and click the Setup Reports button.

2. From the Setup Reports screen, select the Report Type for the customised report. (The person who provides the Report files will be able to give you this information).

[Report Type Selection]

3. From this list of reports, find the report with the ‘Actual Report Name’ which is the same as the name of the files supplied. In this example the files supplied were Quote3.fr*, so we will look for the report with the Actual Report Name ‘QUOTE’.

[Setup Reports Screen]

4. Select this Report and then click the Duplicate button. This will create a copy of the report with the Actual Report Name of ‘QUOTE1’, and will also create the files Quote1.frx and Quote1.frt in the TSM directory.

If you have already made a copy of this report, it will be named ‘QUOTE2’ and so on, depending on the number of copies made.

5. If the Actual Report Name for the report we will be overwriting is different to the name of the files supplied, you will need to rename the supplied files. In our example, the Quote3.fr* files will need to be renamed to Quote1.fr*

6. You are now ready to copy the report files into the TSM directory, overwriting the files which were just created. Be very careful to make sure that you are overwriting the correct files.

7. Once this has been done, rename the report in TSM to be something more meaningful. You may also tick the Default box for this report, which will make it the report which is automatically used by TSM.

Tip: Placing an exclamation sign “!” at the beginning of the report name will place it at the top of the list of the reports in this window, which is useful when you need to quickly find it again (for further modifications for instance) in a long list of reports.

8. If the customised report requires a Pre or Post Processing Method, or sorting criteria, then close the setup reports windows and press Alt+F9.

9. In the command windows type “madmin = .t.”

[Pre, Post and Sort Key]

10. Reopen the setup reports window and select the customized report.

11. Click the ‘Pre’ button in the top-right and paste in the Pre-method code supplied to you by TSM. Do the same for the Post-method code, and any conditions/ sort keys specified by TSM.

12. Exit this screen to commit the changes and print the customised report to confirm it is working.

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