TSM Wiki

Installing a Customized Script

Installing a Customized Script

Incident Description

A custom script has been provided for you and needs to be installed on the taskbar.


You will be supplied with 2 files with names such as custom_scrip.fxp and custom_script.prg, which need to be stored in the TSM directory. This document describes the process for installing an option to run a custom script on the TSM Task Bar.

Note: You may notice that the mouse pointer disappears after this. If so – click the mouse once and the pointer should re-appear.

[Add New Item Dialogue]

1. If the taskbar is not displayed, click on the view menu and select “Task Bar Visible.”

2. Right-click on the taskbar and select “Add New Item”

3. In the resulting screen select “Expression” from the Item Type menu.

[Entering an Expression]

4. On the next screen, fill in the Caption of your choice and enter the command

do custom_script

in the Expression field, where custom_script is the file name of the two files you have been sent. Do not include the extension. Additionaly you can specify an icon file to display on the Taskbar in conjunction with this option.

5. Press OK.

6. On the Taskbar, you will now see a new option. Clicking this option once will run the script.

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