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Version compatibility

Enterprise Premier Accounting
ODBC Version
Post Version
7+ 19+ 19+ 10+ Version 3.70 or later
6 12 18 8 Version 3.49 or later
5 11 17 7 Version 3
4 10 16 6 Version 2.65 or 3
3 9 15 N/A Version 2


Follow this guide to upgrade TSM-MYOB link from version 2 to 3. You can do it yourself or contact TSM support to have us complete it for you. It generally take 2 hours dependent on IT environment and can be done under either Prepaid support hours or PAYG.

If after installation you see “Data Source name not found and no default driver specified” in the debug screen then Follow this guide to install the MYOB ODBC. Click here for solutions to other ODBC errors such as “0: ODBC Driver does not support the requested properties”.

Common Issues

Click here for solutions to other common Post 3 problems and errors.

Click here for information on managing the customer and supplier lists in Post 3, if the customer/supplier list takes a long time to load, or if transactions do not post with an error message “Customer/Supplier does not exist”.