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ODBC Errors

ODBC Errors

Incident Description

ODBC Errors in session history such as “0: ODBC Driver does not support the requested properties”.


This document details the most basic troubleshooting steps for ODBC-related issues. In some cases you may need to speak to MYOB support for a resolution.

Resolution A

1. Close any applications that are running on this machine and restart the machine.

Note: If the machine you are working on is the server, restarting it will potentially affect any networked applications, hosted sites and printing. You may want to consult your IT personnel before taking this step.

2. Run MYOB Post 3 and try the transaction again. If the same error occurs, try resolution B.

Resolution B [Add/Remove in Windows XP]

1. Close MYOB Post 3 as well as MYOB (if open) and got to the Control Panel.

2. In the start menu, go to the Control Panel and “Add/Remove Programs”.

3. Locate and click on the MYOB ODBC Direct option and click “Change/Remove”.


4. Select “Repair” in the wizard that follows and complete the wizard.

5. Restart the PC.

Note: Just like in Solution A, Step 1, if the machine you are working on is the server, restarting it will potentially affect any networked applications, hosted sites and printing. You may want to consult your IT personnel before taking this step.

6. Restart MYOB Post 3 and try posting again.

Please contact TSM Support if problems continue.