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QuickBooks Post Failed Queue

QuickBooks Post Failed Queue

Incident Description

Some transactions have failed to come through into QuickBooks


In the QuickBooks ActPost click on the Transaction History tab. Select “FAILED” in the Show Status dropdown on the left.

[QuickBooks Failed Queue]

The grid below will display a list of failed transactions. By selecting a line item in this grid, you will be able to see the particular error message in the Status field and the particulars of the transaction in the Parameter(s) field. Here you will find the invoice number or customer/supplier ID the message relates to. There is a variety of Status messages that you may encounter and this document provides an explanation and troubleshooting tips for the most common ones. Generally the status field will provide troubleshooting steps as well. You can use the scroll bars on the right to view the entire message.


Is usually a problem with unusual characters in posting description fields. Please consult the related support document for troubleshooting.

2. The Status and Parameter(s) fields are blank

This message has gone into the transaction history, but has not been processed. This may happen if the post was not able to process the entire queue such as when the computer was restarted whilst the ActPost was processing. “Re-Process Failed” will reprocess these transactions. You can also try “Proc. Sel. Tran.” To process this transaction only.

3. S.C.= 3140 - S.M.= There is an invalid reference to QuickBooks Item “” in the Bill line.

One of the items on the purchase order either has no product id, or it is unable to sync up to the related QuickBooks item due to a slight difference in the product id, description or the accounting type. You will need to check each item on the PO against its counterpart in QB.


This usually comes up when a suppliers invoice was entered in TSM but was deleted before it was posted. Have a look on the order to verify that the supplier’s invoice has been re-entered. Check in QuickBooks, if it has been posted already. If so delete this log record as there will now be another accounting post queue or log record for the suppliers invoice against this job. In the case of multiple supplier invoices, it might be

5. S.C.= 3171 - S.M.= An attempt was made to modify a Bill with a date that is on or before the closing date of the company. If you are sure you really want to do this, please ask a user with Admin privileges to remove the password for editing transactions on or before to closing date (this setting is in the Accounting Company Preferences), then try again.

Basically this means that you are posting something related to a bill that belongs to the last financial year. This data may need to be entered manually.

6. There are no line(s) for this invoice to post. QB link can't process this invoice.

You are trying to post a zero dollar invoice.

7. S.C.= 3140 - S.M.= There is an invalid reference to QuickBooks InvoiceLineItem ItemAccount “INSTALLATIONS” in the Invoice line. QuickBooks error message: Invalid argument. The specified record does not exist in the list.

Have a look on the Job part records for the job for this invoice. Chances are - one of the account presets is incorrect. This issue may be difficult to fix without interference from TSM Support.


CustomerID “CUST001” is not present in TSM. This may happen if a billing customer for a job has been renamed or deleted.


There is a problem with the how this Payment has been entered into Cash Receipts in TSM. If you delete & re-enter this payment in TSM, this should fix the problem. Please also check if this payment has not already been posted over to QuickBooks.

10. S.C.= 3120 - S.M.= Object “5807D-1177295321” specified in the request cannot be found. Inv#: 5047 - Job#: 10171 - QB Trns#: 5807D-1177295321. Inv#: 5051 - Job#: 10034 - QB Trns#: 58087-1177295335. This error may have occurred due to matching QB Invoice customer ID being different from its original value. This can happen if you have changed the customerid either in QB or TSM after the invoice being posted. Please check QB and/or TSM and rectify the problem before re-processing.

The error message is fairly self-explanatory. Please check if the billing id on this job has been changed. These changes are logged in the audit trail (right-click on Notes button on the job). Depending on whether the data in TSM is correct now or not the billing id needs to be changed back or the job/invoice/payment re-created.


Similar to 1, but the problem is with posting a new Customer record to QuickBooks. Please check the address, company name, etc on the Customer.

12. QB won't accept $0.00 or negative PAYMENT

Zero and negative payments (which can be payments to reconcile a credit in TSM) cannot be posted. The negative invoice will go through, however. You will need to enter the credit in QuickBooks manually.

Having gone through the FAILED queue, and corrected what you could in TSM and QuickBooks press “Re-processed Failed” to push though these transactions. Any transactions that remain in the FAILED queue may exhibit other problems fixable using the instructions above. Alternatively they can be entered manually into QuickBooks and deleted from the Transaction History.