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Quick Start

Quick Start

Logging In

Start TSM from your desktop. You will be asked to enter a user name and password before you enter the main TSM desktop.

The user name corresponds to an Employee Code entered into the TSM Employee Maintenance Module. You can also assign a password for the Employee in Employee Maintenance.

Once you have entered your username and password the main TSM screen will be displayed. From this screen, you can access all modules of TSM.

If you have not already created any users in TSM, enter ADMIN as the User Name and press ENTER to start up TSM.

The ADMIN user has supervisor rights. Please be sure to assign the ADMIN user a password once you start using TSM or remove the ADMIN user and add your own users (employees) into TSM.

The TSM screen is divided into three sections, the Pull Down Menus at the top, TSM Task Bar on the left, and the TSM Desktop.

At the top of the TSM main screen, you will see a number of pull down menu like the following:

The following outlines the options available in each pull down menu.

File Menu Create a new job or exit TSM.
Edit Menu Use the edit menu whenever you are editing a TSM text field. Use the Edit menu to copy text to the clipboard, past text from the clipboard and other text management functions.
The edit menu can also be accessed by pressing the right mouse button while editing TSM memo fields (Service Requested, Work performed etc). In this case, there is an additional menu option – Expand. Use the Expand button if you need additional space to enter details.
Action Menu The action menu provides an alternate method of selecting TSM modules from the TSM Task Bar.
Reports Menu Select any of the TSM Report modules.
Utilities Menu Access TSM utilities from this menu.
View Menu The View menu controls how the TSM Task Bar Taskbar is displayed (The Outlook style Taskbar down the left side of the TSM Screen).

Large Icons - Selecting this will display large icons in the TSM Task Bar. Deselect this to display small icons in the TSM Task Bar.
Visible - Select this option to make the TSM Task Bar visible. Uncheck to hide the TSM Task Bar.
Window MenuUse the Window Menu to manage the display of open windows in the TSM desktop.

Arrange All - Arrange all open windows to fit into the TSM desktop without overlapping any other window.
Cascade - Select this option to make all windows the same size and cascaded across the TSM desktop.
Show All - Makes all windows visible (including hidden windows).
Hide All - Hides all windows from view.
Close All - Closes all windows that are able to be closed. Some windows might not able to be closed such as job cards with unsaved information.
Window List - Displays a list of all open windows and allows you to easily select one to view.
Help Menu The Help menu provides information about the TSM system.

TSM Help - Select this (or press F1) to display the TSM user manual.
Readme.txt - Displays the TSM readme.txt file which displays the latest information about TSM. This file is updated each time you install a TSM update and includes details of all changes to the TSM program.
About TSM - Select this to display information about TSM. The program information screen provides technical information that might assist TSM support stag if requested:
* Program File Directory - Indicates the directory that the TSM program is running from.
* Data File Directory - Indicates the directory that TSM data files reside in.
* Start-Up Directory - The directory the TSM system program files are installed in.
* Program Version Number - The internal version number of TSM program.
* System Version Number - The version number of the internal TSM database engine.
* System Code Page - The code page number of the language assigned to the TSM program when started.
* Current Code Page - The code page number of the language currently assigned to the TSM program.

Most TSM screens include a navigation toolbar to enable you to select data records and access screen specific functions. Although the toolbar might vary from screen to screen, the following is a typical TSM toolbar:

  • To move between records, select the buttons from the toolbar.The Next and Previous buttons move you forward and back one record. By default, the record will move in the order that the database is in. However, if you had done a search previously then the records will be retrieved in an order according to the search criteria that you specified in the Search window. First and Last buttons show the first and last record in the database respectively. Similarly, if you had previously performed a search then the record retrieved from pressing the First or Last buttons will be the first or last record based on the search order selected.
  • button adds a new record.
  • button deletes a record
  • &buttons are used to keep or discard any changes made to records
  • provides an advanced search screen to locate records.
  • provides a list of all records
  • enables you to print the current records to various destinations including printer, screen, email or file.
  • bring up the report page specific to the current screen type.
  • is used to close the current screen and return to the precious screen.
Field Labels

Almost every field of information in TSM has a label. The label is used to describe the purpose of the field. Although we have tried to make TSM suit as many service companies as possible, often you will want a field to refer to something different than we intended the field for.

TSM provides you with the ability to change field labels to anything you want them to be. To set your own field label, place the cursor over the field label you want to change and hold down the Control Key (CRTL) and Right Mouse-Click on the label. The Update Field Caption window will be displayed.

On the left you will see a column called “New Label. This displays any special field labels you have selected. If this is blank, the original label will be used.

The second column is the Original Label. This is the label that TSM originally displayed and can not be changed.

You can change the Sort Order of the columns displayed by selecting the New Label or Original Label sort order.

In the above example, the Customer ID label has been changed to Customer Key.

Field label changes affect the whole of TSM including screens, searches and reports.

To change any original label to a label of your choice, select the desired original label you want to change and enter the new field label in the Field Label data entry box.

Press the Exit button to save your changes, Cancel to ignore your changes.

Note: Field label changes might not always be visible until you exit and restart TSM.

TSM Modules

TSM comprises a number of main modules including:


TSM manages all of your contact's details in a friendly, intuitive manner. Use this module to set up the details of all the people or companies you deal with. This might include customers, dealers, warrantors and suppliers or any other type of business entity - you are free to create your own types.


TSM lists all your spare parts and their pricing while tracking parts used during service. Add, delete, change or investigate products serviced or parts used in your business. You can set up the part number, supplier and warranty details, stock levels, re-ordering details, bin locations, product class, unit of measure, cost price and multiple selling prices, kits / Bill of Materials and van stock.


Managing employee and contractor details is easy and efficient with TSM. The tight coupling of modules within TSM gives you the power to assign jobs to workers quickly and easily. Assign employees to security groups to control their access to TSM.

Job Cards

The Job Cards module is the core of the TSM system bringing together all of your customer, spare parts and employees to create specific jobs that can be invoiced and reported on. There are multiple Job cards layouts to choose from differing in detail but having the same functionality as well as a contract job management module.

Time Sheets

Should you require detailed time sheets of all your employees' logged work, TSM automatically links times worked to specific jobs and customers, reporting it in an instant with TSM's flexible reporting options. You can also use this module to log non-job service times for employees such as work done in the office or filling out their entire working week to provide a comprehensive breakdown of the employees working time..

Cash Receipts

TSM lets you enter receipts against invoiced jobs as well as getting a balance outstanding on each invoice.

Parts Used

Keep track of all the spare parts that you use to service customer jobs. This module gives you the flexibility to add, remove and view all the parts within your system.

Purchase Orders

TSM simplifies the process of purchasing new parts. All the tools you need to produce purchase orders are provided. Use this module to quickly create stock orders, for general stock or for a specific job card. You can log stock receipts, including partial stock receipts and list all outstanding orders in a report. Product ordering integrates directly with the Job Card to allow purchase orders to be generated from Job Card screen. Enter Supplier invoice details against purchases.


The Maintenance module lets you keep details of equipment on site and set up scheduled preventative maintenance. Contracts can have multiple sites, multiple pieces of equipment and multiple schedules.

Visual Assignment Scheduler

Manage job / employee assignments to efficiently control your company workflow.

Job Centre

Real time lists of jobs so that you can easily monitor all jobs in the system.


Many reports are included to provide you with valuable information and analysis whenever you need it. Reports allow for detailed structured queries, save & restore frequently queries and customise the layout of anything that prints.


Run basic housekeeping from this menu including reindexing, backup etc.

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