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Job Cards

Job Cards

The Job card is the centre of all activities in TSM. This is where you bring together all of your contacts, products and employees to create specific jobs that can be invoiced and reported on.

The following simplified diagram demonstrates the type of information updated when you create a Job Card and the modules of TSM that can be accessed from the Job Card.

All aspects of service work are coordinated from the Job Card including:

  • Customer’s call response
  • Customer’s details
  • Problem description and service request logging
  • Description of product needing service
  • Employees assigned to the job
  • Warranties
  • Service histories
  • Employee time sheets
  • Parts used in service
  • Repair costs
  • Invoicing
  • Cash Receipts

Hint: To familiarise new users with TSM we suggest you first create some contacts, products and employees and then enter some sample jobs for them. It is much easier to familiarise yourself with TSM Job Cards if you have existing data than if you have to create new contacts, products and employees as you go.

TSM provides you with a choice of a number of different Job Card screens to use. They all contain similar information; but the look and feel is different. Select the Job Card screen you feel most comfortable using

Job Cards The detailed Job Card contains all Job Card information including Equipment details.
Job Cards Lite More compact than the Full Job Card, Job Cards Lite presents the most important information in a compact screen layout. Equipment details are not included.
Job Cards Single The same information as Job Cards Lite but presented on a single scrollable page. Job Cards Single screens are not resizable.
Quick Jobs Quickly create jobs – excellent for taking bulk telephone jobs. All information is displayed on a single page and new customers can be easily created in TSM. Does not contain any job completion information.
POS Invoices Easily add a Point Of Sale invoice to TSM.
Help Desk Ideal for technical support, helpdesk or call centre data entry. Access to the most important features are provided when logging an incoming call. A great advantage of the helpdesk layout is the start/stop timer button. This will allow you to record and observe the time of an incoming call.
Slim Has most of the functionality of the full job card but excludes the Checklists, Mailbox, Tasks and Linked Jobs tabs.

To select the Job Card Type you want to use, Select it from the Job Cards Action menu or select the TSM Task Bar

Full Job Card

The Job card screen is split into several screens, these being:

Customer Enter customer details, billing customer and site details.
Job Logging Log all details for the job prior to commencement.
EquipmentService multiple pieces of equipment on the one job card.
AssignmentsManage assignments for the selected job.
Job Details Work done on a job, time sheet information, parts used.
Tasks Tasks are created to and assigned to an employee to ensure or remind an employee of pending work against the job.
HRA The hazard and risk assessment of the job.
Invoicing Financial details of a job card. From here you can complete a job, print invoices and enter cash receipts.
Check Lists Under this tab a checklist may be added against a job. A technician can record results against each line detail of the existing checklist.
Mailbox Any emails sent or received against the job will be recorded under this tab. Ideal to track confirmation quotation emails where customers send their correspondence directly to this area of the job card job.
Linked Jobs Jobs that reside under this tab are linked jobs. The job currently being worked on can be linked to another job or jobs linked to the current job can be viewed here as well. This function is mainly used if other pending cases may effect the completion of the current job or vice versa.
DocumentsLink any document to the Job Card such as a quotation, technical specification etc.
User Fields & NecaFor audit and supervisory approval information.

Job Card Lite

The Job Cards Lite screen has two sections. The first holds the customer information and the second is split into a number of pages described below.

Job LoggingLog all details for the job prior to commencement.
AssignmentsManage assignments for the selected job.
Job Details Work done on a job, time sheet information, parts used and warranty information.
Complete / InvoiceFinancial details of a job card. From here you can complete a job, print invoices and enter cash receipts.
DocumentsLink any document to the Job Card such as a quotation, technical specification etc.
User Fields & NecaFor audit and supervisory approval information.

Quick Job Cards

The Quick Job Cards screen allows you to quickly add a job to TSM and create a new customer without having to change screens.

When adding a new Quick Job Card, select the Customer ID of an existing contact in TSM or leave the Customer ID blank to automatically add the contact details into a new TSM Customer ID.

POS Invoices

The POS Invoices job card screen is designed for “walk in” customers who wish to purchase items up front. All information needed for the purchase resides on the Sales Invoice tab and is easily accessible.

A purchase may be entered and the customer can also be invoiced without navigating to another tab.

In addition there are two other tabs:

Linked JobsJobs that reside under this tab are linked jobs. The job currently being worked on can be linked to another job or jobs linked to the current job can be viewed here as well. This function is mainly used if other pending cases may effect the completion of the current job.
DocumentsLink any document to the Job Card such as a quotation, technical specification etc.
User Fields & NecaFor audit and supervisory approval information.

Help Desk

The Helpdesk layout contains most all of the tabs that the full job card has with the exception of the invoicing tab.

This layout is designed to receive and record incoming calls while running an active timer. Ideal for IT technical support or helpdesk technicians (who don’t need to deal with the financial aspect of the job).


The slim has most of the functionality of the full job card excluding though the tasks, HRA, linked jobs and mailbox tabs.

Common to all screens are the following:

Job Number

The unique job card number assigned to this job. This number can be manually assigned when creating New Job cards or can be automatically assigned a sequential Job Number. Manual / Automatic and the next Job Number can be set up in the TSM Setup.

Searching for a Job Card

If you wish to acquire the details for a particular Job Card there are 3 ways to locate it

Method 1

Search by Job Card Number

If you know the number of the Job Card you are seeking, type it directly into the Job Card number field in the top right hand corner of the Job Card and press Enter. TSM will quickly find and display the job card you seek.

Method 2

Search using Search button

Select button from top toolbar to enter Job Card search information to find a matching Job Card.

Within the search screen you designate the criteria to Search By and enter a string in the adjacent field to do the match against.

From within the Search window you can move around the table by using the up/down arrow keys or dragging the scrollbar on the right hand side. As you move between Jobs, their details appear in the fields at the bottom of the screen.

When you find a match, press the Select button to retrieve the Job details. You can also enter a date range to limit the Job Card search by. Selecting Incomplete Jobs Only will limit the search to open jobs. Select Job Cards / Contract Jobs only (depending on which screen you have searched from) to display only the selected job type or all job types.

Click on the column headings to change the sort order to match the column selected however there are significantly more search criteria available from the Pull Down list than from column headers.

For example, if you want to search for a Job Card by the Customer ID, select Customer ID as the Search By criteria and enter their Customer ID into search value. In a moment, TSM will bring up the nearest matching Job Records sorted by Customer ID.

After selecting the job and being returned to the Job Card screen, the sort order will be the same as the sort order you selected in the Job Card search screen.

Method 3


Select button from top toolbar, scroll through the job card database and press Enter to select a Job Card.

To change the order of columns the columns displayed, position the cursor over the column title in the grey area of the column you want to move left or right. The cursor will change to a black down arrow. Hold down left mouse button and drag the column either left or right. Release the mouse button when the column is in the correct position and the changes will be remembered.

Note: The column positions are remembered individually for each user. Thus the view presented can differ from user to user.

Bottom Toolbar

The bottom toolbar provides convenient access to a range of functions described below:

CustomerAccess Contact Maintenance from within Job Cards for the selected job Customer. Regardless of which Customers you view in Contact maintenance, the Job Card Customer ID will not change.
This is the main difference between the Customer button and double clicking on the Customer ID. Doing the same with the Customer ID will actually change the Job Customer ID.
ProductAccess Product Maintenance from within Job Cards. You will initially view the Job Card Product ID. Regardless of which Product you view, the Job Card Product ID will not change.
HistoryShows the job history for the customer appearing in the Job Card.
NoteType any details relevant to the job. This also holds an audit trail of Status code changes, date job was invoiced printed etc.
CopyEasily create copies of the current Job Card.
MaintenanceView / Select Maintenance Contract Equipment to link to the current Job Card.
Orders View Purchase Orders for items ordered for this job card. Right click to print out an order summary report.
Convert Convert this job to a contract job.
QuoteTicking this box will create a quote for a job. To later turn a quote into a job, simply untick the quote box.
Note: Adding parts used to a quotation will not update inventory levels.
Note: You must enable the Update quotes security option to be able to enter Quote information
Incomplete Jobs OnlyWhen checked, TSM will only display incomplete Jobs.
Note: If this is checked then any jobs you complete will not be visible in the Job Cards after completing them.
TotalThe total value of the job exclusive of tax.

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