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Job Centre

Job Centre

The Job Centre is used to monitor jobs within TSM from one easily accessible location The Job Centre displays a listing of all jobs that match selected criteria. You can use it to display active jobs, unallocated jobs, due jobs, today’s jobs etc.

The Job Centre can also be used as a convenient way to assign employees to jobs, to mark jobs as having commenced (for example, the employee has arrived on site). Or change the status of the job.

By opening a number of Job Centre screens at once, each with a different filter and combined with the Visual Assignment Scheduler, you can easily manage a busy job dispatch operation.

On the top tool bar, click the icon, you can set up your filter by selecting the fields you want to filter, logic operations and value. And then click update to update the filter or insert to add a new filter criterion. And you can save the filter as a private or public filter.

Besides, you can click the top right “Expand” button to add extra filtering criterion and sort options of the results.

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