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Purchase Orders

Purchase Orders

Purchase Orders Module has three usages:

  1. Order parts for STOCK
  2. Order parts for a PARTICULAR JOB

Creating a BASIC P/O for a STOCK order:

  1. Go to the ACTIONS menu
  3. Select NEW
  4. Search for your supplier by typing into the SUPPLIER ID field or select on the SEARCH ICON at the end of the field
  5. Select ENTER
  6. Select your supplier
  7. Select SELECT
  8. Select SAVE

You now have a purchase order for this supplier and tsm has allocated it a PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER (top right)

You are now ready to enter the details of the order onto the purchase order.

Go to the ORDER ITEMS tab:


  1. The product search box opens, select NEW
  2. Search for the item you want to order by typing in the PRODUCT ID field and pressing ENTER
  3. The product search box will open, select your item
  4. Select SELECT
  5. Enter the QUANTITY
  6. SAVE
  7. If you would like to add more items to this purchase order select NEW and repeat the process
  8. EXIT

You have been returned to the ORDER ITEMS tab.

You can now review the items that you have ordered.

You can print or email this purchase order by selecting PRINT at the top of the screen and then PRINTER, SCREEN or EMAIL.

Creating a BASIC P/O to order items for a PARTICULAR JOB:

Open the JOB CARD you want to order items for

  1. Select on the Orders button (bottom middle)
  2. Select NEW
  3. Search for you supplier by typing into the SUPPLIER ID field or select on the SEARCH ICON at the end of the field
  4. select ENTER
  5. select on your supplier
  6. select SELECT
  7. select SAVE
  8. select EXIT

You now have a purchase order for this supplier and tsm has allocated it a PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER (top right).

Tsm has linked it to this job card by recording the job number in the JOB NUMBER field.


  • the ORDERS button has turned red indicating that there is a purchase order attached to this job card.


  1. Right click on the Orders button
  2. Select SCREEN

You will now have a list of all the purchase orders attached to this job card


  1. Follow the same process as above depending on whether the order is to be linked to a job card or not.
  2. The item you select will be a product set up as ‘subcontractor labour’ or the service ordered.


There are two scenarios that can occur:

  1. Items arrive with an SUPPLIER INVOICE
  2. Items arrive with a DELIVERY DOCKET, invoice to follow later
1: Items arrive with an INVOICE

  1. Search for the purchase order (action menu, select on PURCHASE ORDERS, enter in the PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER, ENTER
  2. Go to the ORDER ITEMS tab
  4. Enter in the following details: supplier invoice number, date and due date
  5. Enter in the cost price into the COST field yellow column. This field is important because this is the amount that will be posted to your accounting package and the amount that the supplier will be paid.
  6. Enter in the sell price into the SELL field. If the order is linked to a job card, this is the charge that will be added to the job card.
  7. If all the items were received select AUTO QTY and tsm will fill in the quantity field.
  8. If only part of the order was received, enter in the quantity received into the REC QTY field. Tsm will create another line item for the outstanding item. Repeat this process when the invoice arrives for the outstanding item.
  9. If the supplier invoice has a $ value and you are unsure of the quantity that this relates to, entering in the $ value into the Tot Ex field will automatically calculate and enter the quantity.
  10. Select RECEIVE NOW


  1. ORDER ITEMS tab: the received date has been filled in by tsm (right hand side)
  2. SUPPLIER INVOICE tab: the suppliers invoice details have been filled in by tsm, this is the information that will be posted to your accounting package and the basis on which your supplier payment will be made.

If the purchase order was linked to a JOB CARD:

  1. You will notice that the ORDERS button on the job card has now changed from RED to BLUE. (if the ORDERS button remains RED this will mean that there is more than one order attached to the job card and that the other order/s are still outstanding.)
  2. On the JOB DETAILS tab of the JOB CARD you will notice that the item/s have been added to the PARTS area
2: Items arrive with a DELIVERY DOCKET (invoice to follow later)
  1. Search for the purchase order (action menu, select on PURCHASE ORDERS, enter in the PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER, ENTER
  2. Go to the ORDER ITEMS tab
  3. Enter in the delivery docket number into the DELIVERY DOCKET No field
  4. If all the items were received select AUTO QTY and tsm will fill in the quantity field.
  5. If only part of the order was received, enter in the actual quantity received into the REC QTY field. Tsm will create another line item for the outstanding item.
  6. Select RECEIVE NOW


  • The received date has been filled in by tsm
  • The SUPPLIER INVOICE tab has not been filled in because we have not entered the invoice details yet
  • If the order is linked to a job card, the ORDERS button has changed to PURPLE because we are still waiting for the invoice details to be recorded


  1. Search for the purchase order (action menu, select on PURCHASE ORDERS, enter in the PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER, ENTER
  2. Go to the ORDER ITEMS tab
  3. Select INVOICES (next to RECEIVE ITEMS)
  4. Enter in the following details: supplier invoice number, date and due date
  5. Enter in the cost price into the COST field yellow column. This field is important because this is the amount that will be posted to your accounting package and the amount that the supplier will be paid.
  6. Enter in the sell price into the SELL field. If the order is linked to a job card, this is the charge that will be added to the job card.
  7. Tick the REC QTY box or select AUTO QTY. we have already told tsm the quantity we received that is why changing the quantity is not an option now
  8. Select RECEIVE NOW


  • The COST and SELL price has now been added to the item in the JOB DETAILS TAB
  • The ORDERS button has now changed to BLUE
  • The SUPPLIERS INVOICE tab has been filled in by tsm

Please refer to the PURCHASE ORDERS section in the TSM MANUAL for a detailed description and function of each purchase order field.

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