TSM Wiki

Configuring Checklists

Configuring Checklists

Each Checklist is populated with a number of list items. The list items are the individual items against which a result will be recorded.

Before you are able to add a Checklist to a job, you must first define the list of items which appear on that list.

  1. Click on Utilities → Codes Setup.
  2. In the Code Type section, select ‘Check List’.
  3. Click ‘New’ to add a new Checklist
  4. In the Code ID field, type short code to use to refer to this Checklist.
  5. The Description and Details fields can be used to type in more information about the Checklist. These fields are optional
  6. Press Save.

The Checklist has now been created.

To populate the Checklist with list items:

  1. Select the Checklist from the Code Text box. It will turn a darker colour when selected.

  2. Click the ‘Add’ button on the left hand side of the screen. A new line will be created in the table and the cursor will be positioned in the ‘Description’ column

  3. Enter the text to be displayed on the checklist item in the Description field. These will usually be in the form of a question and will of course vary by industry.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the Checklist is populated.
  5. Use the ‘Save’ button to save your changes.

Here are some examples of completed Checklists: