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Before starting work in TSM, take the time to set it up to work the way you need it to. Normally you will setup this information when you first start using TSM and then should not use it again aside from making only minor changes to the configuration to better suit your needs.

Setup Tabs

There are 11 tabs, breaking the setup options down into related categories. Below is a brief overview of the tabs and what sorts of options the user can expect to find there:

Tab Function
Company Basic company details - phone number ABN, etc.
General Report printing options and printer presets, tax-code presets and memo stamping options.
Invoices Invoicing options including invoice numbering rounding and job details printing options.
Job Cards This is the most populous setup options category. It is broken down into 4 sub categories and contains numerous presets for various workflow triggers, printing options and presets. Here also are Escalation options, the SMS gateway options and Terms and conditions note fields for use on TSM reports.
Contract Jobs Setup options and presets related directly to Contract Jobs. There is also a number of editable cost centre categories.
Inventory These are broken up into two subcategories, one devoted exclusively to price markup presets. Here you will also find stock control options, job costing methods and TraSer integration options.
Contacts Contact options, including Customer ID length.
Purchase Order Purchase order options including PO numbering options, printing presets and Purchase Order costing presets.
Maintenance Here you will find options and presets associated with maintaining Maintenance contracts and generating jobs from Schedules.
Miscelaneous Visual Scheduler, Job Centre and Mailing options.
TSM Self Service TSM Self Service options for those users that have purchased this module.

All of your basic system settings such as company information, system codes, invoice options, job card preferences etc. are maintained in the Setup Module.

When you change any value, the and buttons will be activated. Press Save to save your changes and Cancel to start over.



The company Setup fields.The name your company is registered under in TSM.

Street, Suburb, State, Post Code, Phone Fax, Email

The address where your company is located. This address will appear on top of various TSM documents such as Invoices, Quotes etc.

ABN/Company Number

Enter you company business number including descriptive label e.g. ABN 100 200 300

Report Name

The name that you want to appear on the top of your invoices, Job Cards and various other internal reports. Enter this if you want a different name from your registered company name. Leaving this blank will print the registered company name at the top of the reports.


Memo Field Font

You can select the font to use for memo fields. For example, it might be useful to set the font to a non-proportional font if you wanted to lie up the text into columns.

Default Postcode State

TSM does automatic Postcode look-ups against Suburbs within Australia. This means that whenever you fill in any Suburb field, the linked Postcode field will get the Postcode of that Suburb. However, there may be Suburb names that exist in more than one State. Entering the default Postcode State in this field will restrict the Postcode look-up to the selected state only. Use this if the majority of contacts you will be entering into Contact Maintenance are for one state only.

Default General Printer Name

TSM can send different reports to selected printers. Set the default printer here that all TSM printed outputs will go to by default. Leave this blank if you want reports to go to your Windows default printer.

Pressing the button will bring up the windows Printer dialog.

Select the printer you want and press OK.

TSM Logo

When TSM starts up, the background screen can display a logo. You select a logo file to display by entering it into the logo file name. The default logo is TSMBACK.JPG. You can select your own logo by entering the name of the log file here (.BMP, .GIF, .JPEG, .ICO) or you can turn the background off by leaving the file name blank.

Hint: Leaving the background logo blank can significantly reduce screen redraw times when using TSM on Microsoft Windows Terminal Server or Citrix where screen display time is longer than usual.

Search Screen Input Delay (seconds)

This is the amount of time, in seconds after entering text to search for in a search window before TSM looks up the value entered and redraws the search screen. Setting too low a value will cause TSM to redraw too quickly before you have had time to type your search text. Setting too high a value will cause you to wait unnecessarily before the search occurs.

Auto Logout Idle time (minutes)

This option will automatically log out any user who remains idle for the specified number of settings. They will receive a warning on the screen, pressing �Cancel� on which will cancel the logout and reset the timer for them. Leave this setting at zero if you wish to disable it.

Confirm deletions

If enabled, you will need to confirm deletions by typing the word YES. This is used for main items such as jobs, purchase orders etc.

Keep PDF Email Attachments

TSM has the ability to archive emailed PDF attachments. Any emails sent against Jobs, Invoices or Purchase Orders are kept in a special directory and visible either via the Documents Tab if there is one or in the TSM directory.

TSM creates a new subdirectory called PDFARCHIVE under your TSM directory. Under this directory, additional subdirectories are created for jobs, invoices and purchase orders. Each directory will be prefixed with J_ for jobs, I_ for invoices and O_ for orders and then have the respective job, invoice or PO numbers.

For example, Job 60270 would have a directory called PDFARCHIVE\J_60270 created and all emailed attachments linked to job 60270 would be stored here.

Any files found in these subdirectories will automatically link to their respective linked documents tab.