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Enter an Employee

Enter an Employee

How to enter an Employee

An Employee record doubles as a means of managing TSM user accounts as well as company employees for the purpose of logging their timesheets. For this reason there may be some employee records in your TSM that will never log into TSM and some others that will never have a timesheet entered against them.

The Employee Maintenance module is found in the Action Menu → Employees, or in the Task Bar.

Basic Employee Information

Note that you need to be logged into TSM with full security permissions which means that the Security Group for your employee record needs to be set to “SPV” (Supervisor).

  1. Open the Employee maintenance module you should see the entry for the first Employee record in the database based on its Employee ID (Employee Code).
  2. Press New. The Cancel and Save buttons should now become active.
  3. Enter the Employee ID – it is probably a good idea to make this as short as possible without but retaining meaning to the TSM operator. Employee first name followed by surname initial are a common choice.
  4. Enter the Name – this is the employees first and last name.
  5. Enter the contact details – phone, mobile, email of a combination of the above.
  6. Enter the Security Group – SPV for full permissions, TECH or other group for users that do not require full access rites to TSM.
  7. Press Save.

This is the bare minimum of information required to create a useful Employee record in TSM. You can now have this employee log into TSM. You will also be able to log timesheets for them on the Job Details tab of the Job Cards module.

Setting Employee passwords

At this point and before handing the user their login details it might be wise to set their password. To set a new or reset an existing password follow the following steps:

  1. Open the Employee Maintenance screen.
  2. Browse to the required employee record either by searching for their record of by typing in the full or part of their Employee ID into the Employee Code and then using the arrow buttons to browse to the necessary record if necessary.
  3. Click on the “Change Password” button located in the bottom right corner of the module. You will see the Set Password dialogue box appear.
  4. Enter the current user’s password (blank if none) and press “Proceed”.
  5. Enter the new password, press “Proceed”.
  6. Enter the new password again and press “Proceed” (this is to confirm you remember the password and have not made a typo on the previous dialogue).

This password will be required every time a user needs to log into TSM using their Employee ID.

Additional information

The Employee Maintenance screen allows the entry of detailed contact and personal information, including several phone numbers, fax, email, ABN and TFN and address details. You will find most of these located on the right side of the module.

Employee, job and reporting presets

On the lower, central part of the module you will find a number of dropdown menus that can be used for various presets. Some of these are for reporting purposes only, whilst other affect corresponding fields when the employee is set as the Primary Employee on a job. Reporting-only fields can be used to filter reports to display information for a particular group of employees.

Note: That job preset-type options below work only when the Employee in question is the primary employee for the job, i.e. they appear in the Employee dropdown on the Job Logging tab of a job. Any settings that thusly appear on the Job Card, can be over-ridden by the user afterwards.

Field Purpose
Employee Type Reporting only
Default Location This field will automatically populate the location setting on Job Cards Parts used module when a part is being added to the job this employee is set as a default employee.
Service Area Reporting only. This field may be used for linking a set of employees that can service a particular area and the customers in that area though the Service Area dropdown on the Customer Maintenance module. This link is only semantic – nothing happens is a job for a customer belonging to one service area is assigned to an employee from another area. See the Postal Codes function for area-based Employee assignment control.
Security Group This function sets the security permissions group for this employee. See Security Permissions in the TSM Manual for more details.
Default Department This sets the Department to be automatically assigned to the job this Employee is given.
Default Labour Type The labour type to automatically assign to this employee’s timesheets.
Sales Analysis Code Reporting use only. Setting this option does not affect the Sales Analysis codes on the Job Card – the Customer’s does.
Colour Located on the lower right, this setting is for making this employee’s assignments in the Visual Assignment Scheduler with the selected colour.

Employee notification presets

There are two options that switch on pop up warnings for users that are logged into TSM. These are located on the lower right of the module.

Option Purpose
See Jobs Due Popup warnings? This option will result in popup warnings notifying the logged in employee of any jobs that are assigned to them as a primary employee. The warning will appear based on the escalation settings for a job defined in Job Cards Setup Page 2.
See Tasks Due Popup warnings? This will display a popup detailing all tasks due for today of days prior, but incomplete.

Other features


This tab allows you to add the employee’s photo to their file. Use the Add and Clear Image buttons to add or remove a photo.


For a full description of this tab’s functionality, see the TSM Manual.

There is an option at the bottom of the screen to prevent the employee’s document from being automatically linked to jobs. Unticking this option will ensure that the selected document will automatically be attached to any jobs this product is added to.


This feature allows you to send instant messages to other TSM users. Clicking on the Chat button at the top of the screen will open a text box and the message will be sent to the employee on the Employee Maintenance screen. If the user is not logged into TSM, the message will be stored and will appear to them when they next log in. For this reason you may want to check if the user is present by going into the Utilities menu → Logged In Users. A Chat button is available there also. The chats are stores and can be reviewed in the Chat History tab of the Employee Maintenance screen.