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Before starting work in TSM, take the time to set it up to work the way you need it to. Normally you will setup this information when you first start using TSM and then should not use it again aside from making only minor changes to the configuration to better suit your needs

Setup Tabs

There are 7 tabs available, breaking the setup options down into related categories. Below is a brief overview of the tabs and what sorts of options the user can expect to find there:

Tab Function
Company Basic company details - phone number ABN, etc.
General Report printing options and printer presets, tax-code presets and memo stamping options.
Invoices Invoicing options including invoice numbering rounding and job details printing options.
Job Cards This is the most populous setup options category. It is broken down into 4 sub categories - Job cards 1, 2, 3 & 4 and contains numerous presets for various workflow triggers, printing options and presets. Here also are Escalation options, the SMS gateway options and Terms and conditions note fields for use on TSM reports.
Inventory These are broken up into two subcategories, one devoted exclusively to price markup presets. Here you will also find stock control options, job costing methods and TraSer integration options.
Contacts Contact options, including Customer ID length.
Miscelaneous Visual Scheduler, Job Centre and Mailing options.

All of your basic system settings such as company information, system codes, invoice options, job card preferences etc. are maintained in the Setup Module.