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Contacts tab

The Additional Contacts tab is used to keep track of details for people who are not the Primary Contact person for the Contact record. This is useful as a quick reference.

You can add a new Additional Contact by selecting this tab and then pressing the New button. The Save and Delete buttons will affect the Additional Contact tab in the same manner.

You can view and edit information for an Additional Contact by selecting it from the list. The fields on the lower half of this screen will now populate with the relevant details.

First Name, Middle Name, Last Name

Enter the first, middle and last name of the additional contact person.


This can be used either to note the additional contact’s salutation (Mr, Mrs, Dr) or their position in the company (CEO, Receptionist, etc)

Home Phone, Work Phone, Mobile, Fax

These fields can be used to note telephone numbers relevant to this additional contact.


Used to note the email address for this additional contact. Press the button to quickly Send an Email to this address.


Any notes that may go with this particular contact.


Use this drop down list to select which Department code is used when a job is logged for this additional contact.

Swap with Primary Contact

Pressing this button will swap the selected Additional Contact with the Primary Contact for this CustomerID, replacing the Name fields at the top of the Customer Card and the details on the Customer tab with those of this contact. Note that changing the name at the top of the Customer card will create a new contact on this tab.