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Product Maintenance Screen

The Products module contains all the information TSM needs about the items you service and the spare parts or services you may supply and/or repair. Products can be spare parts used during service as well as the serviced item itself. They are sometimes used in conjunction with orders for subcontractor labour. They can also be additional job expenses such as accommodation, travel expenses etc. If you have a range of products that you sell and service then you would include their details in this module. If you simply wish to keep account of what service parts you use, this module will make it easy to maintain that information as well. If multi-location stock control is enabled then you can receive, issue and transfer products to, from and between stock locations.


The New, Save, Cancel and Delete buttons allow you to manage the Customer records, with the Arrow buttons used for navigation between records.

Product Search Screen}

Click the Search button to bring up the Product Search Screen. You can search for Product ID, and any of the other primary details fields, with the result filtered for stock/non-stock parts, status as a common item, to exclude blank product types, and to include expired products. The search can also be narrowed to display only a specified category (Equipment, Spare Parts, Consumables, Accessories, Services and expenses), and parts sourced from a single supplier.

The Supplier search functionality refers to the supplier parts lists. If you wish to search for items based on the Dafault Supplier field on the front of the Product Maintenance screen, select “Supplier” from the Search By field.

Click the print button to print one of the Product labels for this record. The label button will print whichever label report is selected as the default in the setup for Product Reports, and will popup a dialogue in which you can enter the desired quantity to print.

The following buttons are unique to the Product module:

The orders button will allow you to print an Order Items Summary report for this product record, which lists all instances of this product on Purchase orders.

Press the replicate button to create a new card with all the existing details. Simply enter a Product ID and click save to create the record.

The reorder button takes you directly to the Reorder Module

Primary Details
Product ID

This is a unique identifying code that corresponds to the part number of the item. This field can be any combination of numbers and characters but must be unique for each product entry created. You can also configure the length of the Product ID up to a maximum of 50 characters (See Inventory Setup). The ID can be changed using the Update button. When not in edit mode, you can use this field to quickly jump to a different product card. Simply type the first few letters of the Product ID you are looking for and hit enter or tab to navigate to the first match for that ID.


The full description of what the item is. This description can be overridden on the Job Card.

Supplier Part Number

Enter an alternate Supplier part number if different from your TSM part number. TSM allows you to search on this part number and print it on Supplier Purchase Orders.


If this item has its own model name then enter it here.


If the product has a barcode number, you can enter it here. TSM allows you to search by this number, and print it on labels, etc.

Replacement Part Number

If the selected item has been superseded by another item, enter that item number here. Adding a part to a Job Card / Purchase Order using this part number will ask whether you want to use the replacement part:

Press Yes if you would like to use this replacement part otherwise press No.


Make available for viewing, parts that can be categorised as being All Parts, Equipment Only, Spare Parts Only Consumables Only, Accessories Only, Services Only, Expenses Only, or Non-Expired Only. When navigating Next / Previous through product records, you will only see the selected part category.