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The first product screen allows the entry of all your product details. Specifically, these are:

Type/Sub Type

Identifies the main and subsidiary type of product. Useful for reporting and filtering of products. The main type can also be used set discount rates for purchasing, price breaks for selling, and a default Job Equipment Service Code and Checklist ID as well as Checklist Groups. See the Product Type Code Setup page.


The manufacturer that makes this product. Populated in the codes.


Identify the default location for the product for reporting purposes only. This has nothing to do with multi-location inventory control. A Bin is usually a container holding parts in an existing warehouse. A Location is usually a physical location within a warehouse or another warehouse entirely. Note: The Bin/Location is only available if multi-location stock control is disabled (the locations tab is used instead in a multi-location setup).

Tax Code / Rate

The tax code and rate that applies to this item when using on a job. This code will override the tax code set on the job. It is most commonly used for tax free parts.

Purchase Tax Code

The default tax code to use when purchasing this item (overrides both the setup and purchase order tax codes).

On Hand

The overall quantity of the item that is available. If using multi-location stock control, this is the total on-hand quantity of all product locations combined. The on-hand quantity is automatically updated whenever parts are received, issued, transferred or received via the purchase orders module.

You can manually adjust the on hand quantity by changing it directly. This is useful after doing a stock take. The changes to on hand quantity are tracked in the Inventory Transfers Reports and the Movements tab.

Note: This value cannot be changed directly when multi-location stock control is enabled. To change the overall on hand value you need to change the on-hand quantity of the individual Inventory Locations.


Total quantity of purchase order commitments and inventory requisitions for this product.


The on hand quantity of stock that is not committed to jobs or inventory (on hand less committed).


The quantity of stock requested for jobs (requisitions).

On Order

The actual quantity of parts on purchase orders not yet received for this particular item. Items on order can be viewed in the Purchase Orders Module, or using the order button in the product toolbar. You cannot directly edit this field.

On Stock Order

The total quantity on order waiting to be received directly into stock (excluding the quantity on back order for jobs).

Lead Time (Days)

The product lead time in days. Used to automatically populate the ETA field when ordering the item.

Reorder level

The stock level at which a reorder is due.

Reorder quantity

The quantity the reorder should be made for.

Note: These above two settings are used for populating the reorder grid on the Reorder Parts screen.


Is this an Equipment item for sale, an Accessory, a Spare Part, a Consumable, or a part used to record a Services or Expense charge. TSM has an option to list only a selected Category of parts when adding parts to a Job Card. This is also useful for printing out lists of parts of a selected category, and filtering when searching.

Price Code

Used to group items of similar nature for reporting selectively in the Price List report.

Sell UOM

The Unit Of Measure such as Each, Metres etc. when selling the product on a job.

Purchase UOM

The Unit Of Measure when purchasing the product via a PO.

Warranty Months

If you have selected 'Job Card warranty: by item' found in Job Card setup, this represents the warranty period for this item, which will appear in the parts used screen for the item (and the Bulk Add Parts module). If you have 'Job Card warranty: Job Card' set, this represents the default Job Card warranty period if the Job Card Product ID is assigned to this product.


The Customer ID of the supplier you usually purchase the item from. A warning will be displayed when ordering this item from a different supplier in Purchase Orders. It is also used when searching and bulk reordering.

Cost Centre

The default cost centre that is associated with this product. Used for reporting purposes. For example consumables, stock, repairs etc.

Inc. Acc#

This field specifies the Income account to post transactions for this item to in the accounting package, when the part is used on a job and then invoiced. It is available if the accounting post is enabled. Should only be specified if posting to a different account from the one set in the accounting post setup.

COGS Acc #

This field specifies the Cost of Goods Sold account to post transactions for this item to in the accounting package. The timing of parts used entries being posted to COGS is set in the accounting link. It is available if the accounting post is enabled.

Inv Asset A.

This field specifies the Inventory Asset account to post transactions for this item to in the accounting package, when received in via a purchase order and corresponding supplier invoice. It is available if the accounting post is enabled.

Label Printing

When purchasing an item via Purchase Order, TSM gives you the opportunity to print out item labels when the goods are received. This is useful to provide labels to attach to the items to display part number, description, price or any other information you want.

When printing the labels for items received for a product you can choose to print out:

  • None - Set this to none if you do not wish to print out any PO receipt labels.
  • Item - One label per unit quantity of the item received (i.e. receive 10 units in and print out one label (‘item’)
  • Quantity - One label for each item received i.e. receive 10 units then print 10 labels.

Any comments you want to make about the product.


Identifies items that are no longer stocked by the supplier or where the part number has been superseded. TSM will give you a warning if using any parts on jobs which have expired.


If selected, TSM will not maintain stock levels of this item. Its on-hand quantity will remain at zero regardless of how many items are purchased or used. Commonly used for 'Subcontractor' or other types of costs recorded against jobs.

No Print

Checks the 'Do Not Print on Invoice' box on the parts used screen by default for this product.


Checking this option will synchronise this part with TSM Remote, for installations so enabled. It will not be visible otherwise.

Commonly Used

Check this to mark the product as being commonly used. This can then be used as a search filter to limit the number of results returned.


Use this option to enable serialised inventory for this product. The total onhand quantity must zero before this can be checked. See the Serial Numbers section for more information.