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Pricing tab

The Pricing tab records costs and pricing information for the particular item.

Cost ex Tax

The fixed cost of the item. Sell prices with mark-ups are calculated using this cost price. This price excludes tax.

Cost Tax %

Overrides the default tax setting, used in cases where the item is taxed differently.

Avg. Cost

The average cost of items in your inventory. This cost may fluctuate as you receive stock. For example, there are currently 2 units in stock and the average cost is $100 each. Ordering and receiving an additional item for $130 will then change the average cost to $110 ((2 x 100 + 1 x 130) / 3 = 330 / 3 = 110).

You are not able to edit the value in this field. If the cost is zero or a null value, the run an Update Totals to correct the amount.

Last Cost

The last cost price at which this item was purchased. You are not able to edit the value in this field.

Total Cost

The total cost of all the units of this item held in stock. This is calculated by multiplying the on hand quantity with the cost (average, last or fixed depending on the cost pricing method defined in Inventory Setup). You are not able to edit the value in this field.

Last Purchase

The date when this item was last ordered. This date comes directly from the purchase orders module and can not be overwritten manually using this screen.

Cost inc Tax

This is the fixed cost of the item. Sell prices with mark-ups are calculated using this cost price. This value includes tax.

Trade Price ex

This field is used to enter the trade price for a product, excluding tax. You can use this value instead of the cost price when calculating markups (see the Markup tab in inventory setup.

Promotional Price Code

Price code 1-5 (zero to disable), corresponding to inventory price 1-5. Setting this above zero will override the product and customer default price for this item.

Promotional Price Expiry

The expiry date for the promotional price code (blank for indefinite).

Mark-up 1/2/3/4/5

By setting a mark-up percentage, TSM will automatically calculate and adjust the sell price for you. The Sell Price will automatically be recalculated each time you vary the fixed cost price. Setting the markup to “-1” will set the cost price as the sell price. Setting the mark-up to 0 will disable automatic recalculation of the sell price. Enter any sell price you want. Note: You cannot enter negative markup (discount) into these fields.

Sell Price 1/2/3/4/5 ex

Each product can have a number of sell prices assigned to it so that you can charge different prices to different types of contacts. TSM uses the contacts price code to determine the relevant sell price charged, when the customer has a price code set on their contact card→ General Info tab. The prices in these fields do not include tax.

Sell Price 1/2/3/4/5 inc

The sell price including tax. The tax applied is that which is displayed in the product tax code drop down.

Price Breaks

See this section for details.