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Movements tab

The Movements tab displays the history of any movements that occurred with the selected item. The table is provided to allow you to easily keep abreast of all the movements that have transpired including inventory transfers, purchases, parts used on jobs etc. You can use the horizontal scroll bar to view additional information.

Note: Stock quantities are only tracked in TSM if the option 'Active Stock Control' is enabled in Inventoy Setup.


The Type column records how the movement was created. The possible types are:

  • Onhand Updated - Stock amount manually set on the product card, or Stocktake module.
  • Receipt - Parts entered via the Receive/Issue tab or a Purchase Order into inventory.
  • Job Card PO Receipt - Parts received directly onto a job via a Purchase Order.
  • Issue - Parts taken from stock via the Receive/Issue tab.
  • Part Used - Parts taken from stock and used on a Job.
  • Transfer - Stock moved from one location to another using the Adjust tab. Each transfer will display 2 movements.

The location for which the movement occurred. Only applicable is Multi-location stock control is enabled.


The date the movement occurred in TSM.


The amount of stock in the movement (i.e. the amount changed).

Prev. Onhand

The amount of stock onhand in the location before the movement.


The amount of stock onhand in the location after the movement.


The cost at which the part was received in, or used on a job/issued out.


The invoice # set in the Recieve/Issue tab, or the supplier invoice when received on a Purchase Order.

Job #

The number of the job which a part is used on, or received directly onto.


The employee specified on the Purchase Order or Receive/Issue tab.


The employee specified on the Purchase Order or Receive/Issue tab.