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Job Cards

Job Cards

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Job Cards Screen

Job Cards are the centre of all activities in TSM. Here you bring together all of your contacts, products and employees to create specific jobs that can be invoiced and reported on.

Job Card Modules

There are six distinct Job Card screens in TSM.

  • Full Job Cards - Contains all the functionality available in TSM. All examples in this documentation comes from Full Job Cards unless specified otherwise.
  • Lite Job Cards - The screen is divided into two sections with the customer details at the top and the other tabs below it.
  • Quick Jobs Cards - Displays just the basic fields required to log a job on a single screen.
  • Help Desk - Specifically designed for use on Support type jobs. See the Help Desk section for more details.
  • POS - The Point of Sale screen is used to quickly generate POS invoices (item sales where detailed service information is not required).
  • Contract Jobs - Used for Multi-Stage and Multi-Invoice project work. See the Contract Job section for more details.
Top Toolbar

The unique job number assigned by TSM to this job. Job numbers are sequential, with the next number to use defined in Job Card Setup. Typing a job number in here and hitting tab or enter will open the job in the current window, unless it is of a different type, in which case it will open the appropriate screen. Hint: Double Click the Job # label to refresh the current job card.

The Quick Search allows you to search for a job card using any field specified in the dropdown. Simply enter a value to search for and hit tab or enter to bring up the first job which matches the criteria.

Use the Back Button to navigate the window to the last job card which was displayed.

The Navigation Arrows are used to jump to the first and last Job Card records, and moving sequentially through them.

Allows for a more detailed search of job card records. In addition to searching by field you can filter the results by job logged date and to only display incomplete jobs.

Use the Browse button to display job card records in table format. Select a record and hit enter to open it.

Allows you to print any of the detailed job card reports (or Quote reports if the Quote Option is checked).

The customer account status (set in Contact Maintenance) displays the account status of the Billing customer of the job. There are three customisable status codes in addition to the the fixed codes:

  • Active
  • Overdue
  • Hold
  • Inactive
  • COD
Bottom Toolbar


Used to quickly open the main customers Contact Maintenance card.


Quickly opens the Product Maintenance screen for the first product in the Parts Used list of the Job, or the first piece of equipment if pressed while the Equipment tab is open.


Displays the job card search screen automatically filtered for the job customer (and the site and billing customer if the option 'Job History includes Customer, Billing customer and site' is checked in Job Cards Setup).


Left-click to view/edit job notes (dependent on Security rights), shift+right-click to add a note to the existing notes, and right-click to bring up the Job Audit Trail. The Notes label will appear red if there are notes recorded for the job.


Click to bring up the Replicate Service Cards dialogue, which allows you to select a group of fields to copy from the current job into new jobs. Simply check the fields you wish to copy, select the number of jobs you wish to create using these details and click Replicate. Use the Save Setup button to save the current combination of checked fields for future use.


Brings up a module which allows you to select Equipment from Maintenance Cards to link to the current job. Use the top section to filter and search for equipment, select the item in the middle section and check the details in the bottom tabs. Once selected, click the top buttons to:

  • Select site with schedule - Adds all the site equipment to the job and binds the job with the schedule for the site. The job will appear in the schedule history and completing the job will rollover the schedule.
  • Select site w/o schedule - Adds all equipment at the site to the job.
  • Select item w/o schedule - Adds only the select piece of equipment to the job.

Clicking on the Orders button will open up the Purchase Orders module. If an Order has been made against the job, this Order will open up. If multiple Orders have been raised against this job, a list of Orders will be shown with an option to view existing Orders or create a new Order.

The Orders button will change colour depending on the status of the Orders attached to the job.

Black: No Orders are linked to the job.

Red: Order items are linked to the job which have not yet been received.

Purple: Items linked the the Job have been received but not invoiced.

Blue: All items linked to the job have been received and invoiced.


Converts the job into a Contract Job. This is used when a simple job needs to be converted into a Contract for the purpose of creation of multiple stages. A conversion will not work is there is equipment attached to the job, or if the job has already been invoiced.


Check this box to flag the job as a quote. This will generate a Quote report, which will be archived if the option is enabled in Job Cards Setup. When adding parts to a Quote, the price for each will automatically be added to the Quote: Parts Total field on the Invoicing tab. To later turn a quote into a job, simply untick the quote box.

Note: Quotes cannot be invoiced.

Show Incomplete Jobs Only

Check this to only display jobs without a completed date when scrolling via the toolbar arrows, and when displaying total numbers of jobs in the Help Desk screen.