You are here: Welcome » TSM Manual » Job Cards » Customer
The Customer tab allows you to select the different contacts for this Job Card. There are three types of job contact details:
For a simple job (for example you are repairing a washing machine), all three details could be the same (e.g. Mrs Smith is the Customer, she pays the bill and the washing machine is located at her home).
A more complicated job could have all three details different. For example a real estate agent arranges a job on behalf of the landlord for one of the landlords units. In this case the Contact would be the Real Estate Agent since they are the ones that arranged the job. The landlord would be paying the bills so they would be the Billing ID and the Site ID would be for the unit where the job is to take place.
Customer Details
The Customer is the main point of contact for this Job Card. It is usually the person you are dealing with or has contacted you to arrange this job.
Enter the customer's contact details into this section. The usual information needs to be placed here: Customer ID, Company, Name, Phone, Address etc. You can enter the data manually or you can press to search for the customer you are servicing.
You can also double click on the Customer ID to go straight to Contact Maintenance. You will initially view the Job Card Customer. Exiting the Contact Maintenance screen will place the selected customer as the Job Card Customer ID.
This is the main difference between the Customer button and double clicking on the Customer ID. Doing the same with the Customer ID will actually change the Job Customer ID. (The same for the Billing Contact and Site ID).
If, after entering a Customer ID, the customer cannot be found or does not exist, you will be presented with the contact Search window. This will allow you to find a contact or add a new contact to TSM.
You can also search for contacts to link this job to by pressing the button for Company, Contact, Called In By and Phone Number.
Note: If the option 'Compulsory Customer ID' found in Job Cards Setup is unchecked then entering the Customer ID is optional, but you must assign a customer to the job if you wish to invoice out the job.
When the job has been created, you could notify the customer of the job details for clarification and recognition purposes. You can easily send them an e-mail which summarises the job details that are to be performed for the customer by pressing the Email button adjacent to the Customer ID. A copy of the Job Card will be emailed directly to the customer.
Contract Customer |
Displays whether the customer is covered by a Maintenance Contract (manually checked in Contact Maintenance).
Customer Reference |
You can assign a Customer Reference number for reporting / searching on. This is repeated on the Job Logging page.
Address |
The address of the Customer from the Contact Maintenance Screen.
Called in by |
The name of the person who called in the job.
Last Job |
The date the last job has been created for this Contact.
Notes |
Display any notes you have entered for this customer in Contact Maintenance. The Notes tab will change colour to red if any customer notes are present. This is useful for displaying any special instructions for this customer.
Billing Customer
The Billing details correspond to the customer that is paying the invoice for the job. This field is compulsory if the Customer ID has been entered.
You can set up TSM to automatically bill a different customer by setting up the billing code in the Contact Maintenance screen. If the billing code has not been set up, the Billing Customer ID defaults to the Customer ID whenever you enter a Customer ID onto the Job Card.
To notify the billed contact of the job details, you can send them an e-mail which summarises the job details that are to be performed for the contact by pressing the Email button adjacent to the Billing Id.
Sales Person |
Select the sales person responsible for this job. The Sales Person defaults to the Billing Customer Default Sales Person.
Payment Type |
Select the type of payment that the customer has agreed to with the Payment Type drop-down list. This information is repeated on the Job Logging page.
Source |
The Source field from the Customer is entered here. This allows you to report on jobs from various sources (Yellow Pages etc).
Contact |
The name of the contact person for paying bills. This name prints on the invoice.
Billing Address |
The address of the Billing Contact from the Contact Maintenance Screen.
Notes |
Display any notes you have entered for this Billing contact in Contact Maintenance. The Notes tab will change colour to red if any Billing contact notes are present. This is useful for displaying any special instructions for this Billing contact.
Site Details
The Site Details section allows you identify the physical site address the service work is to be performed at.
The Site ID is optional. For sites that you are likely to service on more than one occasion, the Site ID holds the Customer ID of a TSM contact that represents the actual site address where the service work will take place. Only change the Site ID if the work address is different from the Contacts address.
If the site that the work is to be performed is different to the Contact’s address and you are unlikely to visit this site again, it would be wasteful to create a one-off Site ID. In this case, leave the Site ID blank.
Note: The Site ID defaults to the Customer ID whenever you enter a Customer ID onto the Job Card.
Contact |
Although the Contact details default to the primary contact set up for the Site ID (or Customer ID if no Site ID entered), TSM allows you to set up additional contacts in Contact Maintenance. By pressing the button next to the Contact Details field, you can select from any additional contacts set up against the Customer ID in Contact Maintenance.
Site Address |
If a Site ID is entered, the address will display the corresponding address of the Site ID contact details. However, if the Site ID is left blank, you can enter your own Site Address directly into the Address fields. This is very handy for sites you are unlikely to visit again and saves you from creating many one-off Site ID's in Contact Maintenance.
Cust. Notes |
Display any notes you have entered for this Site contact in Contact Maintenance. The Notes tab will change colour to red if any Site contact notes are present. This is useful for displaying any special instructions for this Site contact.
Site Notes |
Additional notes you can add to the job about the site or the job in general. These notes do not print on the job card / invoice.
Google Maps |
Tsm now supports Google Maps. Click on the map icon next to the Site Address or in the Customer Maintenance to display a Google Map of their location.