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Check List

Check List

Checklist tab

TSM 6.82 Checklists.

One of the great features of TSM 6.8 is the ability to incorporate checklists on jobs. TSM 6.82 adds to this functionality by introducing the concept of checklist groups.

For those of you who are not aware, checklists allow you to link a series of questions to jobs or equipment. Not only can you manually add the checklist, you can also automate this process so that checklists are automatically added based on certain conditions.

So, how do you set up a checklist? For the purposes of this article, I will use the new TSM 6.82 checklist features so the description below may not exactly match TSM 6.81. There are 3 things you must do as a minimum.

Step 1: Turn on checklist functionality. Go to Utilities – Setup – Job Cards – Page 1 and tick the “Enable Checklist” checkbox in the lower right corner of the page.

Step 2: Create a list of possible checklist answers Each check list question can be answered in various ways. Perhaps it is a Yes or No, Perhaps A,B,C or perhaps you require free form data entry. Select Utilities – Code Setup - Check Result to add groups of checklist answers. As an example, Create a new Check Result group called YES_NO and add 2 check list results to the group, Yes and No. tick Yes as the default answer.

Step 3: Create your checklists We are now ready to create our first check list. Select Utilities – Code Setup - Check List. Add a new checklist and then add in all the different questions you want to ask in your checklist. In the group colum, select the YES_NO group you created earlier. This will require each question to answer with a Yes or a No. Leaving the result group blank to make the checklist question free form entry.

Optional Step 4 (TSM 6.82 only). Create Check List Groups You might find that you want to add the same 3 checklists to jobs over and over. To enable you to do this, you can create a group of checklists. Go to Utilities – Code Setup – Check Group where you can group together checklists.

Now that we have created our checklist, we can add it to a job or an individual item of equipment on the job. Open up a job card and select the Checklist Tab. Choose the Options tab at the bottom of the checklist (TSM 6.82) and then select the checklist you created and press the Add New Checklist button. You will find that all your checklist questions have now been added to the job. Repeat this process for adding multiple checklists to a job. You can also select an item of equipment on the job and add checklists to them if you want.

To enter the checklist results, select any checklist question and then you can select the appropriate Yes or No answer for the checklist.

So now you know how to manually add checklists to jobs. How do we automate this? TSM can automatically add checklists to jobs in the following ways:

  1. Job Types Check List
  2. Schedule Check List

And you can automatically add checklists to equipment these ways:

  1. Scheduled Item Check List
  2. Maintenance Item Check List
  3. Schedule Type Check List
  4. Equipment Product ID Check List
  5. Equipment Product Type Check List

You can also update your checklists from TSM Remote PDA solution in the field and print them directly from the job card.