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Job Details
Job Details
The Job Details page contains all the details of the work actually carried out for the job.
Work Performed |
Enter the description of the work performed on the job. This description will be printed on the Invoice. If you require more space than provided on the Job Card screen, select the Expand option in the Right Click mouse menu and a much larger screen will be displayed allowing you to enter as much text as you want. Note: Use the Scripts option on the ALT-F5 popup screen to insert standard paragraphs of text.
Commenced |
The commenced checkbox and date is used to record when work on the job was started by an employee. By comparing the Commenced date & time with the logged date & time and allocated date & time, employee response times can be calculated. Ticking this box removes the entry from the due jobs list in the Job Centre Escalation sort order. The checkbox is duplicated on the Job Logging tab, and the date can be manually changed if required.
Fault/Repair Code |
Use to record Fault/Repair codes separate from those specified on a piece of equipment.
Timesheets |
The timesheet grid displays all labour carried out on this job. Note that these entries will not be added to the job total or displayed on the jobs invoice if an ammount is specified in the Quote: Labour field on the Invoicing tab. Hint: Timesheets can also be added to jobs using the Timesheets module and End of Day utility.
Allows you to create a new timesheet entry by bringing up the Time Details screen.
Select an existing timesheet and click this to change its details.
Removes the selected timesheet from the job.
Click to use a prepaid incident on this job. It will be coloured blue if the billing customer for the job has a current Prepaid Contact, will show the number of incidents if available, and display 'Incident Applied' if an incident has been used.
Click to display a dialogue which summarises total number of hours worked and billed by labour type.
Used to filter the timesheet comments display. The options are:
- No Time Comments - Removes the comment field.
- Show This Time Comment - Displays both invoice and internal comments of the selected timesheet.
- Show All Time Comments - Displays comments for all timesheets, with the entries separated by the timesheets date&time and employee name.
Quick Time |
Starting TSM with the QuickTime command parameter will display a small screen allowing you to select an Employee ID, job number and start / stop the timer to create a job time sheet. The advantage of this feature is that you can enter a startime and finish time onto a job card without having to open tsm and navigate through the various screens.
How do you set this up?
- Make a copy of your tsm icon
- Paste it onto you desktop
- Right click on the new tsm icon
- Select RENAME
- Type in a name eg TSM Timesheet
- Press ENTER
- Right click on the new tsm icon again
- In the field called TARGET, you will find the path to the tsm .exe file. You need to type in the instruction'QUICKTIME'at the end of this path. Remember to leave a space between the end of the path and the QUICKTIME instruction.
- Select OK
When you click on the TSM Timesheet icon, you will be presented with this time sheet box.
How do you start the timer?
- Select the EMPLOYEE from the menu
- Enter in the JOB NUMBER the timesheet relates to
- Press ENTER
- Select EXIT
How do you stop the timer?
- Click on the TSM TIMESHEET icon again
- Select the EMPLOYEE from the menu
- Enter in the JOB NUMBER the timesheet relates to
- Press ENTER
- Press ENTER
- The TIMESHEET COMMENT box will open and you can add in a note
- Select OK
- Selct EXIT
Parts Used |
The Parts Used section is where you record parts and additional services that are used on a Job. Note that these entries will not be added to the job total or displayed on the jobs invoice if an ammount is specified in the Quote: Parts field on the Invoicing tab. Hint: Parts can also be added to a job using the Parts Used module or Purchase Orders.
Click to add a new parts used entry using the Parts Details screen.
Select an existing entry and click this to change its details.
Removes the selected parts used entry from the job.
Click to bring up the Bulk Add Items screen. Here you can quickly add multiple items to the job, using either a list of parts in each location, or by manually specifying entries (use the down key to create new lines).
Switch between Quoted and Actual Parts.
Brings up the Allocated Quoted Parts screen which allows you select which quoted parts to place onto the job (become actual parts).
Brings up the Order Quoted Parts screen which allows you to quickly create Purchase Orders from quoted parts which will then be received on the job.
Opens the Requisitions module.