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Invoicing tab

The Invoicing tab combines all the financial details of the job and allows the management of the Jobs invoice. Use the main buttons to do the following:

Click to complete the job by adding the current date and time to the Completed field. You can uncomplete a job by clearing out this field.

Generates an Invoice for the Job. If the option 'Archive Invoice' is enabled in the Setup, the invoice will be saved to a PDF and attached to the job on the Documents tab (the default invoice report specified in Debtors Reports will be used). Note: A job cannot be invoiced if the Quote checkbox is ticked, or if a Billing Customer is not specified on the Customer tab.

Prints the Invoice. You can select which Invoice template to use, and choose whether to send it to a printer, file, or Email address. Multiple copies of invoices can be printed from job cards, with the first copy as the “Customer Copy” and the ones thereafter as the “Office Copy”. The number of copies to print is configured in the Invoices Setup screen under the No. Individual Copies field. Hint: Batch printing of invoices can be done from the Debtors Reports module.

Brings up the Cash Receipts module which displays all payments already made against the job, and allows new payments to be created.

Deletes the current Invoice for this job. Note: Associated cash receipts will not be deleted. To recreate an invoice with the same Invoice number, ensure manual invoice numbering is enabled in Invoice Setup.

Allows you to print delivery dockets and dispatch label for parts used on this job. See the Dispatch Job screen for more info.


The labour amount that has been quoted for this job. This amount will override the labour total for the job regardless of any actual time sheet details entered on the Job Details tab (the timesheets will also not be displayed on the invoice).


The total of parts that has been quoted for this job. This amount will represent the parts total for the job regardless of any actual parts used entered into the job card.

Estimated Costs

The total cost of parts and labour expected for this job card. This field is for reporting purposes only. You can use it to compare the actual cost of parts and labour added to the job with the estimated cost to see how accurately you estimated.

Amounts include tax

All financial information recorded on a job card in TSM is stored exclusive of tax - the tax only relates to the invoice produced. However, you might want to enter figures into TSM inclusive of tax to make data entry easier. Setting this option will make TSM display all prices inclusive of tax on this job card. Internally, the prices are still stored exclusive of tax. The relevant screens (parts used, labour etc) will change to indicate whether prices are inclusive or exclusive of tax. Note: Entering figures into TSM Inc Tax could lead to rounding errors with the ex tax figure out by a fraction of a cent.

Parts Total

The total sell price of any parts entered into the Job Details page of the Job Card. To adjust this total, add / edit any parts on the Job Details tab.

Labour Hours

Displays the total number of billable hours of all time sheets attached to this job card. If you only need to log the total hours against jobs, and are prepared to forego more detailed time sheet reporting then simply enter the total hours billable here. A time sheet entry will automatically be created for you if you have assigned an employee to the job card. The default labour type specified on the Job Logging tab will supply the rate to be used to calculate the total. Note: You can only enter hours here when no time sheet entries already exist against this job card.

Labour Total

This field displays the total value of labour billable against this job card. As above, you can manually enter the labour total against the job card as long as no time sheet entries already exist for this job card. Note: The labour total entered here is the total amount to invoice labour for, not an hourly rate.


The total of any delivery fees you might wish to charge.

Service Fee

If you charge a flat fee for the service, then enter it here. This amount defaults to the value set on other codes in the following order:

  1. Priority Code Service Fee.
  2. Customer Default Service Fee.
  3. Customer Type Service Fee.
Tax Code

The tax code that determines the tax rate that applies to amounts on the Job Card. Will not override the tax code/rate applied to Timesheets or actual Parts Used.

Completed Date

The date and time the job was completed. TSM considers a job completed if there is a date entered here. Pressing Complete button will fill this with the current date. Note: TSM does not consider a job completed by entering “Completed” in the Job Card status field - this for reporting purposes only. Hint: You can reopen a job by clearing out the completed date field.

Recall Date

Enter a recall date if the job needs to be followed up on a specific date in the future. You can easily produce a report of jobs due for a recall within a specified date range.

Invoice Type
  • Select Unbillable if the job card is never going to be billed. This is ideal for in-house or warranty work.
  • Select Billable if an invoice needs to be generated for this job.
Print Parts/Labour/Equipment

Select whether you want the parts, labour or equipment entered against this Job Card to print out in detail on the invoice. The parts and labour totals always print out on the invoice. The defaults for these are set on individual customers Contacts Maintenance card and globally in the TSM Setup.

Round Total

There are times when particular invoice totals cause your tax amounts to calculate to be one cent out due to unavoidable errors in rounding. In this situation, check the round total option which will round your total so that the total including tax is correct. TSM has an automatic rounding option on the Invoices Setup. Note: The actual sum of parts used or labour entered might not exactly sum to the parts/labour total when rounding is enabled.

Enforce Minimum Charge

You can configure a minimum charge in the TSM Setup. Checking this option will ensure that the total price charged for this job is at least the minimum charge. TSM will adjust the Service Fee to increase the job price to the minimum charge.

Invoice on Hold

Prevents the invoice from being posted to the accounting package. This can be used to ensure all supplier’s invoices are received before the invoice is posted which in some accounting packages will trigger the COGS entry.

Original TSM Invoice #

The TSM generated invoice number of the invoice assigned to this job card. The invoice number is assigned when you press the Create Invoice button on this page. The Invoicing tab of setup determines whether invoice numbers are automatically or manually assigned as well as determining the next available invoice number. Invoice numbers are not necessarily the same as the job number since you will not invoice all jobs (internal work, warranty work) and you will not invoice jobs in sequential order.

Accounting Invoice #

Depending on which accounting package you are linked to, the accounting package might not use the TSM invoice number but might assign its own number. In this case, the invoice number assigned by the accounting package is displayed here. The Accounting Invoice # is not displayed at all if you are not linked to the relevant accounting package.

Invoice Date

The date the invoice was initially created. You can manually change this date by selecting a new invoice date.

Invoice Due Date

The date the invoice is due for payment. This is automatically determined from the Billing Contact’s payment terms but can be changed here.

Printed Date

This is the date the invoice was first printed. It can not be changed. Invoicing printing is also recorded in the audit trail.

Posted Date

This is the date the invoice was posted to the accounting package.

Rounding Amount

The total amount of rounding applied to the invoice total to ensure it exactly matches the sum of the details.

Amount Paid

This field has three purposes:

  1. To display the total amount of cash receipts paid against this invoice.
  2. To quickly create a payment for the invoice, either partial (deposit) or complete.
  3. To enter a prepaid amount against the job, before the raising of a invoice. When the invoice is created, this amount will be applied to the invoice as a cash payment. TSM will automatically generate a cash receipt with a reference of “PrePaid”.
Payment Type

The payment type of the last cash receipt received against this invoice. Use this to also set the payment type for deposits.


The total tax payable against this job card as a percentage and dollar value. This label changes in line with your regional settings.

Invoice Amount

The total invoice price including tax.

Amount Owing

The outstanding amount owed in this invoice after cash receipts have been deducted.

  • Parts Cost - The total cost price of all parts allocated to this job card.
  • Labour Cost - The total cost price of all time sheets allocated to this job card.
  • Profit - The difference between the total job price exclusive of tax and the parts and labour cost.
  • Margin % - The margin percentage the profit represents of the total job price. Note: This field may show an incorrect value due to there being no costs on parts and labour entries. If you intend on using this feature, you need to make sure that parts are added to the job with correct costs and a costing system for employee time is in place using Labour Type costings and overheads or the Employee costs, or even a combination of both.

Consolidated Invoicing

Consolidated Invoicing allows you to Invoice multiple Job Cards on the one Invoice.

Note: Consolidated Invoicing is an Enterprise feature.

To enable Consolidated Invoicing, go to Utilities> Setup > Invoices and select “Enabled Consolidated Invoicing”.

Creating a Consolidated Invoice

1. On Jobs you’d like to do Consolidated Invoicing for, change the Invoice Type on the Invoicing tab of the Job Card to ‘Consolidate’.

The Job must be completed (by either clicking the 1. Complete button or entering a Completed Date in the Invoicing tab of the Job) but not already be invoiced to be included in a Consolidated Invoice.

2. To invoice the Jobs marked as Consolidated, go to Actions > Contacts.

3. Type in the name of the Customer you’d like to create the Invoice for, or use the Search to bring up their Contacts card.

4. Click on the History tab.

5. Click on the Invoices tab.

6. Click on Consolidate Invoice.

The Consolidated Invoiced window will pop up.

7. TSM will ask for a Start and End Invoice date. These are the dates the Jobs were completed (the Completed Date can be seen in the Invoicing tab of the Job Card.)

Enter a date range then click Consolidate.

8. TSM will advise how many Jobs were found completed between the 2 dates entered. Click Yes to proceed. A new job will be created for the Consolidated Invoice. The total of this job will be the combined total of all Jobs which were completed in the date range specified when creating the Invoice. In the Invoice tab of the Customer History, you will now be able to see this Invoice.

The linked Jobs tab of the invoiced job will show all Jobs which are included on this Invoice.

On the jobs included on the Invoice, the Invoice Type will change to Unbillable, as the Invoice has been created on the new Job.

Printing a Consolidated Invoice

To print an Invoice which lists the Jobs included on that Invoice, go to the Invoicing tab on the Job which the Invoice is attached to. Click Print Invoice.

From the drop down menu, select “Invoice –Consolidated”. Select the Destination.