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Point Of Sales

Point Of Sales

POS Invoices Screen

A Point of Sale (POS) invoice is used where detailed service information is not required for item sales. The POS Invoice screen provides a quick way to create a job, add parts sold and invoice everything listed. Entering information onto a POS invoice is similar to entering information onto job cards. Refer to the relevant sections in the previous chapters for instructions on how to use the features common with Job Cards. Once you have entered all the details into the POS invoice, press the Invoice button to generate an invoice and close the POS invoice. If an invoice needs to be edited, you may the click the delete invoice button. Changes can be made to the POS Invoice, after which the invoice may then be recreated.

Discount %

You can assign any discount you want to the POS Invoice total by entering a percentage here. The discount calculated price will appear in the Quoted Total.

Delivery %

This field will allow you to enter in a freight or delivery amounts.

Payment Ref%

Any Payment reference details entered here will be reflected onto the future payment receipt.

Quoted Total

You can assign any price you want to the POS total by entering a Quoted Total. Once entered, the Quoted Total will not change as details on the POS Invoice. Blank out the Quoted Total to recalculate the POS Invoice total.

Note: Once a discount has been applied, the discounted amount is entered into the Quoted Total. Thus, any additional items added to the POS Invoice will have no effect on the POS Invoice total.


This button will display a financial breakdown of the point of sale job card.

Note: The POS job card summary information will not provide any details in reference to labour. POS job cards do not contain any labour information and only parts specific to parts.


Under this tab, documentation may be attached against the point of sale job card. Though similar to the normal job card documents tab, the POS job card’s documents tab does not include signatures.

Linked Jobs

The Linked Jobs tab allows you to link an existing job to this POS. Once referenced, this tab will display notes, service requested, work performed and site, address fields of any job added to this tab.