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Keeping tabs on contract jobs can be quite complex with many stages, variations, estimates & actual labour and materials occurring for the one contract job. However TSM makes managing such jobs easy and intuitive. The Cost Details screen permits you to log all stages of a contract job.

You can add, edit, delete and import stage information with the corresponding buttons found in the bottom right hand of the screen. The option to import stages allows you to import stages from the Estpro Estimating package. This option can be enabled when you have chosen this setting in the Contract Jobs tab of the Setup screen.

Information displayed in the Stages Table includes:


The stage number. Stages are usually numbered from 1 but you can assign any stage numbering you wish.


A brief description of the stage.

% Done

The current completion percentage of the stage, calculated from the percentage of Actual Costs vs Estimated Cost. This will display 100% if a date has been entered into the stages Completed field, or can be manually set on the stage if the option is enable in Setup.

Quoted price

Displays the quoted price of the selected stage.


The total amount of approved Variations assigned to each stage.

Original Price

Displays the original quoted price of the stage.

Total $ Billed

The amount invoiced so far on the stage.

Estimated Cost

The total cost estimated for the stage.

Original Cost

The original cost estimated for the stage.


The total amount of the unreceived items against the stage.

Cost to date

The actual cost of Materials and Labour that was incurred during that stage.

% Price

The current percentage of the estimated price against the stage, calculated from the percentage of Actual price vs Estimated price.

% Estimate

The current percentage of the estimated cost against the stage, calculated from the percentage of the labour and materials cost vs the Estimated Cost.

Cost to complete

How much is left to pay from your costs to complete the stage.

Over run

If your stage has gone over budget this field will display the total amount of the over run.

% Over run

If your stage has gone over budget this field will display the percentage of the over run.

Under run

If your stage has stayed under budget this field will display the total amount of the under run.

% Under run

If your stage has stayed under budget this field will display the percentage of the under run.

The Cost Details tab also displays:

Stage Notes

Shows the contents of the Notes field from the selected Stage.


Displays the Employee specified against the selected Stage.


The date the selected stage was commenced.


The date the selected stage was completed.