TSM Wiki

Costs To Complete 6.82

Costs To Complete 6.82

The Cost To Complete Tab allows you to see cost totals on your contract job in a table format. It is also useful to compare how much you have spent against how much the customer has paid you.

Cost Centre.

The name of the cost centre that the table referrers to.


The description in which the cost centre is identified.


The total amount of the cost centre.

Estimated Cost

Lists your estimated costs of your cost centre.

Estimated Variations

Lists the estimated costs of your variations in your cost centre.

Total Budget

Shows the total of your budget against this cost centre.


Lists the costs for all the committed items.

Cost To Date

How much has been spent so far on this contract.


A percentage of cost against the quoted price.


A total of the actual cost against the estimated cost. This is displayed as a percentage.

Cost To Complete

How much this job is going to cost you to complete from now until contract is completed.

Over Run

Lets you know how much in they way of cost you have over run (decreased in profit).

%Over Run

How much in a percentage against your initial budget you have over run (Increased Profit).

Under Run

Lets you know how much extra profit you have accumulated as a total price

%Under Run

This will calculate the percentage you have under run on this cost centre.