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Time Details

Time Details

Time Sheet Details screen

The Time Popup screen is used to enter and edit time sheet entries in TSM. Each time sheet entry is for a single time period (delimited by start and finish time) starting on a particular date for one employee. If you have multiple time sheet types (e.g. travel time and work time) or multiple employees working on a job then you need to enter individual time sheet entries for each. Note: The Cost of Labour is not displayed on the timesheets, but is calculated as the Hours Worked * Employee Hourly cost define on their Employee Maintenance card.

Employee ID

The employee to which this time sheet refers to. Time sheet entries are always for selected employees.

Employee Group

The employee group to which new time sheet entries will be created. Setting a group without specifying an employee will create an identical time sheet entry for each member of the selected group.


The date the time sheet entry is for.

Start Time

The start time for the time sheet entry. Time is always in 24 hours i.e. 1:30pm = 13:30. The start time can be set to the current time by pressing the Now button.

Finish Time

The ending time for the timesheet in 24 hour notation.

Hours Worked

The actual hours worked. This always defaults to the exact difference between start and finish hours entered and should always refer to the actual hours worked for internal reporting purposes.

Billable Hours

The number of hours you are going to bill the contact. This is not always the same as the number of hours worked because you may want to round billable hours to the nearest half or quarter hour, or make allowances for taking too long on a job. For example, a timesheet for an employee who worked for two hours and ten minutes, can be charged at two hours and fifteen minutes. Note: TSM will automatically round the billable hours based on the billable hour rounding increments in Setup.

Labour Type

The Labour Type is the class of work that was done by the employee for this time sheet entry. You can define any number of labour types that suit your business such as Standard, Overtime etc. The Labour type determines the default Labour rate. The Labour Type always defaults to the default Labour Type assigned to the Job Card. Labour Types are defined in Codes Setup. Note: There is only one labour type per timesheet. If several types of labour have been performed over a period of time, a timesheet needs to be logged for each labour type.

Labour Rate

The Labour Rate is the hourly rate charged for this time sheet entry. The Labour Rate defaults to the predefined labour rate for the selected Labour Type but can be changed at any time.


A read-only field which displays the Labour Type description.

Tax Code

The Tax code which determines the tax rate charged for this time sheet entry. This is populated by default from the Labour Type, Job Card tax code, or Labour tax code defined in Setup (in order of precedence).

Tax Rate %

The tax rate that corresponds to the Tax Code selected.

Do not print on invoice

Selecting this will suppress printing this time detail on the invoice.

Split time sheet when extending past regular hours

Tick this if you want to split time sheet into separate standard and overtime time sheet entries when extending past regular hours. For example if regular working hours are 09:00am to 5:30pm (17:30) and the time sheet entry is set from 16:00 – 19:00, with this option ticked pressing the Save button will split the time sheet entry into 2 time sheet entries. The first is from 16:00 – 17:30 at the rate entered, the second is from 17:30 – 19:00 at the overtime rate defined in TSM Setup. Note: The default value for this option (ticked or not ticked) can be defined in TSM Setup and the default Overtime labour rate must also be setup in TSM Setup.

Adjust for Lunch

Check this to subtract the lunch hours (specified in Setup) from the timesheet if it goes over the lunch period. The lunch time will be placed in a separate timesheet which uses the labour type defined under the lunch hours in setup.


Check this box to indicate that the time sheet entry has been approved. You can then report on all approved or unapproved time sheet entries.

Job #

Optional job number that this Time Sheet entry is linked to. If entered, it must be a valid Job Card number in TSM. If linked to a Job Card, the Time Sheet total will add to the Job Total. If the Job # is not entered, this is considered a non-job time sheet entry and it can not be included on any invoice. This is useful to log a full weeks time for your employees regardless of whether they work on jobs or not. Note: The Job Number is only available if entering time sheet entries from the Task Bar Time Sheets option. Entering time sheets from Job Cards always puts the Job Card job number here and it can not be changed.

Customer ID

The Customer ID of the contact to whom the work was carried out for by the employee. This is only available if the time sheet entry is not linked to a Job Card otherwise it always has the Job Card Customer ID which is not changeable.

Site ID

The Customer ID of the Site that the work was carried out on. This is usually the same as the Customer ID but can be different if one job contained multiple time sheets each for a different site.

Cost Centre

The Cost Centre the Time Sheet will be linked with. The Cost Centre defaults to the Default Labour Cost Centre setup in the TSM Contract Jobs Setup.

Stage / Variation

Any time sheet entry linked to a Contract Job must specify the Stage and Variation the time sheet entry applies to.Note: This is unavailable if not linked to a Contract Job.

Docket #

The Docket Number of the physical time sheet paperwork.

Job Card / Invoice Time Sheet Comment

Optional comment that will appear under this time sheet entry on the Job Card and Invoice. This is very useful if you want a unique job description for each time sheet entry.

Internal Time Sheet Comment

Any internal comments that apply to the time an employee spent on a task. This comment will not appear on the Job Card or Invoice and is only available on the Time Sheet report.

Job Card Work Performed

Update the Job Card work performed directly from the timesheet.

Extended Information

Extended Information tab The Extended Information tab displays extra details which can be recorded against the timesheet. These include:

Sales Analysis

Sales Analysis code assigned to this time sheet entry.


You can capture the start speedometer, end speedometer and actual mileage.


Any reference you want to capture against the time sheet.

Income Account

Used with an active accounting link to specify the income account to link this timesheet to.


The hourly allowance you pay your technicians / contractors for each time sheet entered. This allowance is added to the employees hourly cost. Other Expenses You can capture other costs incurred during the work performed including: Parking, Tolls, Fuel, Hotel, Food and Misc charges.