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TSM has a powerful facility to set up one or more scheduled services for equipment on a site. TSM will automatically generate Job Cards when any of your schedules come due. Note: Schedules are always attached to a site and you must set up different schedules for each site on the Maintenance Contract. The Schedules tab is divided into 4 sections: Site/Schedule Selection, Schedule Details, Schedule History and Scheduled Equipment.

Schedule Selection

From here you select which Site and Schedule to display the details for.


Use the top dropdown to select which site on the current contract the schedule will be bound to.

Schedule Type

You can also optionally filter the list of displayed schedules to a certain Schedule Type (defined in Codes and set in Schedule Details.

Schedule List

The list shows all the Scheduled Maintenance services for the selected Site and Schedule Type. The information in this table is produced from the other information on this page but includes the current open Job number (if any) assigned to this scheduled maintenance.

Service Requested

Any notes you enter here will appear in the Service Requested of any Job Cards generated for the selected Scheduled Maintenance. This is useful if your technicians notice some work to be done next schedule. You can enter it here and they will be reminded when the next scheduled job is created. This can be updated through the Schedule Rollover window which appears when completing a job bound to a schedule.

Site Notes

Any notes you enter here will appear in the Job Card Site Notes. This is useful to enter any non-printable comments on scheduled job cards.

Details 1

Click New in the top toolbar to create a new schedule for the currently selected site. The following details are defined for each Scheduled Maintenance detail:


You can assign the schedule a descriptive name. This name will be put into the Job card Job Name when scheduled jobs are generated.


Use the Rollover option to roll a schedule forward to the next period without creating a scheduled job card. This is useful if you decide that a specific schedule has already been performed as part of another job card and thus does not need its job card raised this period.

Noted: In TSM version 6.85036 and above, users can choose to view and process “Auto Rollover schedules only” when process maintenance schedules. This powerful new feature allows you to create schedules into the future. You are no longe bound to create the next schedule only. Process auto rollover jobs will create a serial of schedule jobs in the future according to the schedule period.


The next scheduled maintenance date for the product. This date defaults to the last maintenance date plus the maintenance period. You can also manually assign a date and time for the schedule.


When the schedule detail expires so as to no longer generate new jobs. If you leave this blank, scheduled jobs will continue to be generated forever. Note: Checking the Auto-expire schedules option on the Maintenance Detail page will automatically stop scheduled jobs when the Maintenance Contract expires. This field’s label will appear red.


The last date that the item had its scheduled maintenance job created.

Schedule Type

Specifies the particular Scheduled Maintenance type code to be associated with this scheduled maintenance. This code allows various information in the schedule such as default period, special rates, job items etc to be pre-set. See Schedule Type in Codes Maintenance for more details.


Coupled with the Period Type, defines the number of intervening (days, weeks, months, and years) between scheduled maintenance jobs.

Period Type

The period for the schedule in days, weeks, months, and years


Sometimes it is preferable to send the same technician each time a specific scheduled job is performed. They might have specific skills or job knowledge. Select an employee here and they will automatically be assigned to any Job Cards generated for this Scheduled Maintenance.

Employee Group

When selected, all the members of the group will be allocated to the job


You can specify a flat rate when charging for each maintenance schedule. Enter the amount here and this will become the Service Fee to for Job Cards generated against this schedule. You can automatically vary this rate at a selected date by pressing the Update button to bring up the Rate Change window.

Schedule Type Rate

This read-only field displays the rate for the work needed for this particular type of schedule. If the Schedule Type you have selected includes a predefined schedule rate and you have not selected your own charge specifically for the selected schedule item, then the Schedule Type Rate displayed here will be used on the scheduled job.

Auto Invoice

TSM has the ability to generate periodic invoices via the Scheduled Maintenance module. This might be quarterly maintenance bills, regular rental invoices or any other type of regular invoicing you need to perform. By checking this option, any jobs generated will automatically be completed and invoiced. Note: This option is only available when a Contract Job # is not entered.

Auto Complete

Tick this for jobs on this schedule to be automatically completed when created.

Auto Quote

Flags jobs created from this schedule as quotes.


Tick this to disable this schedule.


Tick this to make the associated jobs unbillable.


Tick this to have the job card automatically add any new counter values since the last invoice

Auto Rollover

By selecting this option the schedule will immediately become available again once the job card has been created from the maintenance schedule. You no longer have to wait until the job card has been completed.

Details 2

Sales Analysis

Sets the Sales Analysis on the Invoicing tab of the job created from a schedule.

Service Code

Sets the Service Code on any job created from this schedule.

Allocated hours

You can set the number of hours you expect the Scheduled Service to take and this will set the Estimated Duration on the Scheduled Job Card created. Having an assignment automatically created for a scheduled job requires this field to be set in addition to the employee field, and the Linked Primary Assignment option enabled in Setup.


A reference number assigned to the schedule which will be placed into the Job Card reference field.

Contract Job #

By entering the job number of an existing contract job card, TSM will create a new stage on the contract job rather that creating a completely new job card. This provides a convenient method of accumulating the cost of Preventative Maintenance obligations against Contract Jobs. Note: Contract Job Stages do not include any equipment that the Schedule might be linked to.

You can now create a fixed price scheduled job by setting the parts, labour and estimated cost for the schedule.


Enter your parts charge here which will be added to the quoted parts field on the job details tab of the job card


Enter your labour charge here that will be added to the quoted labour field on the job details tab of the job card

Estimated Cost

Enter the estimated cost here, this is a reference field only which will be added to the estimated cost field on the job details tab of the job card


An additional field used for reporting purposes.


You can add a checklist or checklist group to a schedule on a maintenance contract:

  2. Go to the EQUIPMENT DETAILS tab
  3. Go to the SCHEDULE tab
  4. Go to the CHECKLIST / GROUPS tab
  5. Select ADD
  6. Select the checklist / group from the menu
  7. Save
  8. Repeat the process to add more checklists

Scheduled Equipment

The Scheduled Equipment list lies at the bottom of the Schedules screen and provides a list of all equipment at the selected site. For each schedule, you can select which equipment from the site is covered by the selected Schedule. The columns in Yellow can all be changed for each piece of equipment:

Job Type

The job type assigned to the equipment when added to a Job Card.


The fee to be added to the Schedule charge. Enter this if you wish to charge a special fee for each piece of equipment selected under the schedule. This fee is multiplied by the Scheduled Equipment quantity.


The estimated hours to perform the schedule for the selected piece of equipment. This is added to the Schedule Estimated hours to accumulate the total estimated hours for the schedule.

Equ. Type

Defines how the equipment will be recorded on the job created from this schedule.

  • Equipment - Places as a standard piece of equipment visible on the Job Equipment tab.
  • Part Sell Price - Places the item in the Job Parts Used with the Products Sell Price as the price to charge (multiplied by the quantity).
  • Part Equipment Rate - Places the item in the Job Parts Used with the Rate as the price to charge (multiplied by the quantity).

Attach a checklist to the piece of equipment on the job.


Select which equipment is to appear on the Job created from the current Schedule. You might choose to include all, some or none of the equipment under the selected schedule. Use the Select All / Deselect All buttons to quickly switch the flagged equipment.

Schedule History tab

Schedule History

Open this tab to view a list of all jobs created from the current schedule. If any job listed here in not completed the schedule cannot be processed. Use the View button to open the selected job.

Replicate Schedules dialogue

New Maintenance Setup Options:

  1. set whether the schedule invoice date is the date the invoice was created or the Schedule date
  2. set the Scheduled Maintenance invoice due date to one of the following:
  • Invoice date + invoice Terms
  • Scheduled date + invoice Terms
  • Invoice Date
  • Scheduled Date

Replicate Schedules

The Replicate Schedules button allows easily copy all the schedules from one site to another site. This is useful if you have sites with common sets of schedules assigned to them. It is much easier to copy an existing sites schedules than re-enter them each time. Pressing the button will display the Replicate Site Schedules screen requesting the site information to replicate the schedule to

Contract No.

Enter an optional contract number to link the schedule to.

Contract Customer

You need to select the site you wish to replicate the schedules to. Selecting the Contract customer search button allows you to select a site by searching for a Maintenance Detail customer.

Site ID

You can also select a Site ID directly. Press the Select Existing Site Contract to select an existing site to add the schedules to. Press the Select New Site option to select a customer that you wish to create a brand new Maintenance Detail for and copy the existing schedules to that site under the new Maintenance detail.

Next Earliest Schedule

The next schedule date will need to be adjusted for each schedule copied to the new site. By entering the date here, the earliest next schedule date from all the schedules will be set to this date. All the other Next Schedule dates will be adjusted proportionately to this Earliest Schedule date. Leaving the Next Earliest Schedule date blank will not adjust Next Schedule dates at all.

Go to new Schedules when replicated

Selecting this option will automatically take you to the selected site after replicating schedules is completed.

Replicate Equipment as well

Selecting this option will also replicate all the equipment linked to the schedule to the selected site. When you are ready to replicate the schedules press the replicate button.

Bulk Schedules dialogue

Bulk Schedules

The Bulk Schedule option allows you to quickly add multiple Schedules of selected Schedule Types to the selected Site. Press the Bulk Schedules button to bring up the Bulk Schedules selection screen. You can select one or more Schedule Types by holding down the CTRL key and selecting all the types you want. When you are ready, press the Replicate button to create a new schedule for each schedule type selected.

Create Schedules for Equipment

Click this button to automatically create schedules for the currently selected site. These schedules will be based off the Schedule Rates tab of the Product cards of the sites equipment.

Schedule Wizard Screen

Schedule Wizard

Use this screen as an alternative to the Schedules tab or Quick Schedules to quickly create and edit schedules.