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Purchase Orders

Purchase Orders

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Purchase Orders screen

The Purchase Orders module is used for ordering parts for Job Cards and stock replenishment as well as entering Supplier Bills for payment. TSM can also manage back orders, Print or email orders, Receive goods in and track Supplier Invoices. When receiving orders linked to Job Cards, the parts received will automatically be placed onto the Job Card they were ordered for.

Please refer to the tsm USER GUIDE for a step by step guide on using purchase orders.

Primary Details

Click New on the Purchase Order toolbar to create a new Purchase Order. Information required includes:

Purchase Order #

A unique alpha-numeric number identifying the current purchase order. This number can be automatically assigned the next in sequence, or manually assigned by the user. You can search for a Purchase Order by typing the PO number here and pressing TAB or Enter.


The Customer ID of the business supplying the ordered items. Press the button to see a list of available suppliers. Initially, only suppliers will be visible. Suppliers are contact records which are designated as a Supplier. Press the Select button to put the selected supplier to the Purchase Order.

Bill From

The Customer ID of the business invoicing for the ordered items. It is useful to have a different Bill From, from the Supplier when you order from local stores but the invoice comes from a head office.


Tick this box to convert the purchase into a quote. This is only applicable if the purchase order is linked to a job card. Any quantities on this quoted purchase order will not be apdated in the product maintenance. The quantities will be apdated once the Quoted box has been unticked.

Contact Details

Enter your supplier contact name.

Email to:

The contact’s email address. Click the Email button to invoke the email screen.

CC To:

The Carbon Copy address for the email.

Ordered By

The employee placing the order.

Parts Cost Price includes Tax

This is an option that aids data entry. By checking it, costs entered for purchase order items are tax inclusive and the discounted cost also displayed as tax inclusive. TSM still holds these values internally as exclusive of tax.

Summarise PO Receipts

If you have ordered a number of items for a Job Card, you might not want to see each individual item on the Job Card. Instead, checking this option will put a single summarised item onto the Job Card for all items received. The total cost and total sell price of the summarised item will reflect the sum of each individual item ordered. This is useful for Contract Jobs where you want to track the costs of materials used but not the specific materials themselves.

On Hold

This flag indicates whether the order is on hold. This allows you to accumulate a large order for a supplier over a period of time before sending it. You can exclude held orders from your reports.


Closing the order stops additional items from being added to an order (Security permitting).


The date the order was placed. When the PO is created, TSM defaults this field to today's date, but this can be modified as necessary.


The date that the order is required to be delivered.


The date that the order was first printed.


The date that the order was authorised for processing. This field can be restricted by TSM Security if required. There is also a TSM Security option that disallows printing or emailing of Purchase Orders that are not authorised.


Enter a department that this Purchase Order is linked to. The department code is automatically set to the Job Card Department if the Purchase order is linked to an individual job card.


The region dropdown is for reporting purposes.


Enter any reference for this purchase order.

Job #

Enter a Job Card number to be linked to the purchase order. Enter a Job number here only if you want this order to be linked to a Job Card and you want it to be linked to one job card only or be ordered for stock. Leave this blank if this order is not linked to a Job Card or could be linked to multiple Job Cards.

Non-Stock Markup %

The percentage mark-up of the sell price of non-stock items ordered for Job Cards.

Sales Analysis

This field is for reporting use.

Bottom ToolBar


Allows access to Contact Maintenance from within the Purchase Order. You will initially view the Purchase Order Supplier. Regardless of which Suppliers you view in Contact maintenance, the Purchase Order supplier will not change. This is the main difference between the Supplier button and double clicking on the Supplier ID. Doing the same with the Supplier ID will actually change the Purchase Order Supplier ID.


Click this to open the select order items Product maintenance screen.

View Job

Click to opn the Job Card set on the PO.