TSM Wiki

Order Details

Order Details

Order Details tab

The Order Details page contains shipping and payment details for the Purchase Order including:

Ship to

The delivery address the goods are to be shipped to. This defaults to the Ship To address from the TSM Setup but can be changed for each order. If the current Purchase Order is for a job, pressing the Site Address button will set this field to the site address from the linked job card. If the PO is not for a job (job number=0) this button will be disabled.

Ship Via

The method of shipment eg. post, courier etc.

Payment Type

The method of payment to be used to pay for the order.

Payment Details

Enter any notes referring to the payment arrangements.


Add any comments you wish to make about the order.


This button is a shortcut to this purchase orders suppliers details in the Contacts Maintenance. Use this to access the suppliers details for reference purposes or to update the suppliers details.


This button is a shortcut to the Product Maintenance. You can search for a product for reference purposes, for the purpose of updating the product details or adding a new product.


You can add any internal notes in here. This note information will not print on the purchase order. Right clicking on the note button will open the audut trail.