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Debtor Reports

Debtor Reports

Debtors Reports Screen

TSM includes a complete Accounts Receivable module. Use the Debtors Reports to print bulk Invoices & statements. Aged Debtors reports and overdue letters.

Report Type

You can print a number of different Debtor reports:

  • Invoices - Print out the full invoice ready for sending to your customer / accounts department.
  • Statements - Print out a summary statement with one line for each outstanding invoice.
  • Detailed Statements - Print out a detailed statement including a short version of each outstanding invoice.
  • Reports - Print out an Aged Debtors listing showing all invoices with aging periods.
  • Letters - Print out letters identifying invoices which are outstanding.

Used to filter the displayed records dependent on which Report type is selected:


  • All - Include all invoices
  • Unprinted - Only include those invoices that you have not yet printed. Use this option to batch print all new invoices ignoring those that you have individually printed.
  • Outstanding - Includes invoices which have an outstanding amount unpaid.


  • All - Include all invoices
  • Current - Include only those that are in the current period.
  • 30 Days - Includes invoices due in the 1st invoice period. You can set your own ageing period in the TSM Invoice Setup.
  • 60 Days - Includes invoices due in the 2nd invoice period. You can set your own ageing period in the TSM Invoice Setup.
  • 90+ Days - Includes invoices due in the 3rd invoice period. You can set your own ageing period in the TSM Invoice Setup.

Detailed Statements

  • All - Include all invoices
  • Current - Include only those that are in the current period.
  • 30 Days - Includes invoices due in the 1st invoice period. You can set your own ageing period in the TSM Invoice Setup.
  • 60 Days - Includes invoices due in the 2nd invoice period. You can set your own ageing period in the TSM Invoice Setup.
  • 90+ Days - Includes invoices due in the 3rd invoice period. You can set your own ageing period in the TSM Invoice Setup.


  • All - Include all invoices
  • Current - Include only those that are in the current period.
  • 30 Days - Includes invoices due in the 1st invoice period. You can set your own ageing period in the TSM Invoice Setup.
  • 60 Days - Includes invoices due in the 2nd invoice period. You can set your own ageing period in the TSM Invoice Setup.
  • 90+ Days - Includes invoices due in the 3rd invoice period. You can set your own ageing period in the TSM Invoice Setup.


  • Current - Include only those that are in the current period.
  • 30 Days - Includes invoices due in the 1st invoice period. You can set your own ageing period in the TSM Invoice Setup.
  • 60 Days - Includes invoices due in the 2nd invoice period. You can set your own ageing period in the TSM Invoice Setup.
  • 90+ Days - Includes invoices due in the 3rd invoice period. You can set your own ageing period in the TSM Invoice Setup.
Invoices for

Because of the different structure of Job Card Invoices and Contract Job Invoices, you can’t print both at the same time. Choose the Job Type to include:

  • Job Cards - Only include invoices generated from Service Job Cards
  • Contract Jobs - Only include invoices generated from Contract Job Cards
  • Both - Include invoices from both Job Cards and Contract Jobs
Include Paid Invoices

Include paid invoices in the output. By default, debtor reports only include outstanding invoices. Check this option if you want to print out an invoice register rather than a debtors report.

Include Invoices on Hold

Include all invoices that are marked “Held” from being posted to the accounting package.

Cut Off Date

TSM can give you an aged debtors report as at a selected Cut Off date. This differs from just simply setting an invoice date range as any cash receipts are rolled back to the Cut Off date to give a true debtors position as at the Cut Off date.

Debtor Reports includes some special field names:

POS Invoices

Limits the output to POS invoices only.