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My Reports

My Reports

My Reports Screen

The TSM Report Scheduler provides an easy way of automating the printing or emailing of reports on a regular scheduled basis. With the report scheduler, you can program TSM to print out selected reports daily, weekly or monthly at predetermined times using pre-saved report filters. Thus you can easily program TSM to print out a weekly time sheet summary report each Monday morning for all the time sheet entries the previous week for example. Reports can be sent to the printer or emailed to a nominated email address.

The report scheduler can be started in one of two (2) ways:

  1. Continuous background process – by starting TSM with the ‘REPORTS’ command line parameter, TSM will load the report scheduler and continue to poll for scheduled reports each minute until you exit the Report Scheduler. TSM will not use a license count when the scheduler is opened in this way. Use this method if you schedule frequent reports or the report frequencies are very small (minutes). Since this method leaves TSM running on the file server, it will use more resources than the 2nd option below.
  2. Periodic Scheduled processing – by starting TSM with the ‘REPPROC’ parameter, TSM will poll once only for scheduled reports that are due, print / email any found then exit TSM immediately. This is the most efficient method of using the Report Scheduler. You can configure Windows Scheduler (see windows help for usage instructions) to periodically run the TSM report Scheduler. This is the recommended way to run the Report Scheduler under most instances.

Note: The user name and password used to log in has no bearing on who’s reports are scheduled.

Note: See Command Line Parameters for the exact syntax to use the REPORTS and REPPROC parameters.

Run Now (Top)

Run the Report Scheduler now for all due reports.

Run Now (Bottom)

Run the selected report now to the selected destination.

Last Run

The date / time the report was last run in the TSM Report Scheduler.

Next Schedule

The date / time the report is scheduled to next run. This will automatically update each time you run a report based on the frequency and period. Leave this blank if you do not wish to schedule the selected report but just wish to include it here in the list for your convenience.


The date / time the report scheduler will stop running this report. Leave this blank to schedule the report to run indefinitely.


How often the report scheduler should run the report (in conjunction with the Period)


Combined with the frequency, determines how often the report will run (Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Months, Years).

Report Type

The type of report to run (Job Card, Time Sheet, Debtors etc). You will only see a list of report types corresponding to public saved report criteria or private saved report criteria for the logged in user.

Saved Report Name

The name of the report that has been selected. You can choose from a list of saved report settings.


Should this report be sent to print, email (to the address enterered in the next field), or Auto Email - which emails the associate Contact or Employee).


If email was selected for the destination, you must enter an email address to send the report to.

Email Subject

An optional subject to enter for emailed reports. If left blank, the saved report name will be used as the subject.