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Common Reports

Common Reports

The following are some of the reports you might print on a regular basis:

Job Cards

Detailed Job Card with Manual Entries

Print this Full Job Card out after you have created a job and hand to the technician. Contains space for them to write details and for contact to sign. If no parts or labour entered then prints a Manual Service Card otherwise prints the actual information entered into TSM

Summary Job Card

Use to show you a list of service jobs in the system

Financial Summary

Use to show all charges for parts, labour, delivery and service fees on completed job cards

Profitability Summary

Use to show profit margins on completed job cards

Technician Job Summary

Use as an alternative to printing a complete Job Card. Contains all the details a technician needs to commence a job. Multiple jobs appear on the one page

Summary Job Card

Very detailed full page financial breakdown summary of all jobs.

Invoices (Debtors)

Remittance Invoice

Full invoice including a tear-off section at the bottom to return with the contacts payment


Use to send out notification of unpaid invoices with a summary line per invoice. Normally not sent out in the current period.

Detailed Statements

Use to send out notification of unpaid invoices with detailed invoice information per invoice. Normally not sent out at the end of the current period where contacts request all invoices in one go.

Aged Debtors Report

Use to inform you of outstanding invoices with ageing.

Debtor Letters

Use to request payment of outstanding invoices. As the periods progress the letters become more demanding

Product Reports

Parts Listing

Use to list the value and pricing of your parts database. Ideal for printing out price lists.

Product Stock Take

Use to enter manual stock levels during a stock take

Reorder report

Informs you of which parts need to be reordered from suppliers

Parts Used Detail

Lists all parts actually used on job cards

Time Sheets

Timesheet Summary

Lists total time performed by each employee


Top Contacts

Displays contacts sorted by total amount invoiced

Contact Labels

Prints contact labels for mailing

Cash Receipts

Cash Receipts Summary

Use to reconcile cash receipted daily / weekly

Deposit Slip

Print a banking deposit slip.

Maintenance Contracts

Maintenance Contracts

Use to a report on just about all aspects of an active contract

Site List

Produce a report on all items logged at a site

Scheduled Maintenance

Provides a schedule of maintenance jobs due in the future

Site Movements

Provides a list of item movements between sites

Maintenance Job Summary

Track work performed against current contracts

Purchase Orders

Details Orders

Produces a report with one order per page

Order Summary

Produces a report with one order per line

Maintenance Job Summary

Print a list of maintenance contracts and all jobs done under the contract


Receipt Labels

Use to produce a label to attach to serviced items when they come into the workshop. This ensures that items never get misplaced.

Jobs Due report

Lists all jobs due today in order of priority.