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Invoice Numbering

Each invoice you generate from TSM needs to have a unique Invoice Number. Select Automatic if you want TSM to assign the next sequential invoice number. Select Manual if you want to assign your own invoice number yourself and Job # if you want the invoice number to be the same as the job number.

Next Invoice #

This is the next invoice number TSM will use when you next create a TSM invoice if you selected Automatic invoice numbering or Manual numbering where no invoice number is entered. If using TSM for the first time, set this to synchronise with your existing invoice numbers.

Default POS Customer

When creating a POS invoice, TSM will default the Customer ID entered here as the default customer for the invoice. This is usually set to CASH for cash sales.

No. Individual Copies

TSM gives you the option to print more than one copy of an individual invoice whenever you press the Job Card Print Invoice button. This does not affect invoices printed from the Reports module. The first copy prints the Customer copy and the second prints the Office copy.

Cents Rounding

Sometimes when invoicing a job, it is desirable to round the invoice total to a selected number of cents. This is especially useful where invoices are paid by cash. Select the number of cents you want to round invoices to (Usually 5 cents).

Invoice rounding will only occur when you select the option on the Job Card invoice page.

Default Terms

A comment that will appear on the bottom of the invoice to specify the default payment terms of a transaction. You can override the default terms for each Billing Contact in Contact Maintenance.

Email New Job invoices to

You can have TSM automatically email new invoices to the selected email address. Enter the email address here. TSM will automatically email to the selected email address whenever you press the Create Invoice button on the Job Card.

This is especially useful if you want to email invoices to your accounts department whenever you create them in TSM.

Billing Name on Invoice

When printing an invoice, should the Billing Name be the Company and Contact name or should it be only the Company name or Contact name if no company name.

Accounting Package

Choose the accounting package that you will be using for posting TSM transactions to. This is only available if you have purchased the TSM Accounting Post option.

Please contact your TSM agent for details of which packages TSM links with.

Ageing based on

This option allows you to choose between the date the invoice was created and the invoice due data as the starting point of invoice ageing calculations used in debtors reports. Invoice due date depends on the customer terms.

Default Invoice Printer

Specify a printer that you want to send invoices to. Leave this blank to send to the default printer.

Invoice type – Billable / Unbillable

Select either Billable or Unbillable as the default for invoices generated form Job Cards. Whenever you create a new Job Card, the billable / unbillable status will be set to this value unless default values have been assigned on the Billing Customer contact maintenance screen. You can still override this for each individual invoice when you complete and invoice a Job Card.

Include Parts, Labour or Equipment on invoices

Select whether you would like parts, labour or equipment details to be printed on the invoice by default. You can override these settings for individual customers or on an invoice by invoice basis.

Display Sets Invoice Printed Date

Select this if you want the invoice printed date that appears on an invoice to be automatically set when you preview the invoice to the screen. This is useful if you don’t want to print some invoices but want to mark them as being printed.

Emailing sets printed date

Select this if you want the invoice printed date that appears on an invoice to be automatically set when you Email the invoice. This is useful if you don’t want to print some invoices but want to email them to your contacts.

Mandatory Billing Code

Check this option if you want to force TSM to not automatically enter a Job Card Billing ID and yet TSM will insist that the Customer Billing code must be entered onto the Job Card before you save it.

This is useful where contacts can often be billed to more than one address and you want the person entering the details to think carefully about whom to invoice rather than just saving the job.

Unchecking this option will let you save a Job Card without entering a Billing code.

Note: Even if you do not enter a billing code on a Job Card, you can not invoice the Job Card until you enter a Billing Code.

Archive Invoices

The invoice will be stored as a PDF document at the point of its creation in the PDFARCHIVES directory in the TSM folder.

Invoice Jobs only after approving all time entries

This option will prevent creation of an invoice for a job with any unapproved time entries.

Lock service job invoice price once invoice created

This option freezes the invoice total after it was created. It will stay at that amount despite any additions or substraction to the job at a later date.

Automatically round POS invoices?

Rounds the POS invoices so that the total amount including tax is correct.

Automatically round other invoices

Automatically round all other invoices.

Default invoice date to job completed date

Uses the job completed date, for the invoice date, when the invoice is created.

Compulsory Sales Person

The sales person field must not be empty for the invoice to be created.

Lock invoices prior to

Prevents invoices from being created with invoice date prior to what is entered here.

Invoice Comments

The invoice comments correspond to four periods. The periods correlate to the current period and the first, second and third ageing periods. The ageing periods indicate an overdue payment. Usually these are set at 30, 60 and 90+ days but as always you can set these to what you like. There is a space to add comments for each of these intervals, which will appear at the bottom of the respective invoice.

Invoice Comment

The comment that will appear at the bottom of every new invoice eg. “Seasons Greetings from Management and Staff” or “Thank you for your purchase” etc.

1st Period Ageing

The 1st Period Ageing Days field lets you specify the duration for which the first ageing period lasts. For example, a value of 30 means that any invoices sent out to a contact whose payment is due more than 30 days from the invoice due date will have the 1st Period Ageing Days comment included.

2nd Period Ageing

The second ageing period occurs when a payment is overdue within the number of days specified by the 2nd Period Ageing Days field but after the first ageing period. For example, having a first ageing period of 30 and second ageing period of 60 means that invoices sent out thirty to sixty days after an overdue payment will have the second ageing period comment added.

3rd Period Ageing

As above but beginning after the second ageing period and ending at the number of days specified in the 3rd Period Ageing Days field.