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Job Cards Page 1

Job Cards Page 1

Job Card Numbering

Choose whether TSM will number the job cards automatically or if you will enter new job numbers manually.

Next Job Card #

The next available Job Card number is used to determine the numbering sequence for Job Cards.

Hint: When using TSM for the first time, set the Next Job Number to carry on from your existing Job Card numbers.

Default Service Location

Used to determine the default location of parts used on Job Cards if Multi-Warehouse Stock Control is enabled. If it is not enabled, used to identify a region a job is carried out in (eg North, South etc).

Default Labour Type

The default labour type assigned to TSM Job Cards.

Warranty Service Code

The default service code assigned to jobs which are under warranty.

Maintenance Job Type

The default Job Type assigned to Job Cards created from the Maintenance module.

Warranty Job Type

The Job Type assigned to Job Cards under warranty.

Default Priority Code

The default Priority Code assigned new Job Cards.

Default Department

The default Department Code assigned new Job Cards.

Default Service Code

The default Service Code assigned new Job Cards.

Minimum Charge Amount

The minimum Job Total you will accept on Billable Job Cards when completing jobs. TSM will adjust the Service fee with the difference if the Job Total is less than the Minimum Charge Amount.

Default Service Fee

The default Service fee TSM assigns to new Job Cards.

Default POS Service Fee

The default Service fee TSM assigns to new POS Job Cards.

Default Job Card Duration (Hours)

The default duration (in hours) to assign to job.

Carrier Type

Select the default carrier type assigned to Job Card delivery dockets. When entering a Delivery Docket and searching for a Carrier, the list of contacts displayed will be limited to those contacts of type Carrier Type”

Default Payment Type

Select the default payment type assigned to a new Job Card.

Urgent Job Status Code

Status code for jobs to be flagged as urgent. This is used for the automatic SMS function for urgent jobs.

Automatically Add Job after Print / Save / Startup

If you usually enter many Job cards in a row, you might find it helpful if TSM automatically adds new Job Cards whenever you Print a job, Save a job or open up the Job Card screen for the first time.

Compulsory Department Code

Determine whether entering a department code on a Job Card is compulsory. You will not be able to save the Job Card without entering a department code.

Compulsory Job Payment Type

Selecting this will only let you save a Job Card if a payment type has been entered on a Job Card.

Compulsory Customer ID

Selecting this will only let you save a Job Card if a Customer ID has been entered on a Job Card.

Compulsory Service Code

Selecting this will only let you save a Job Card if a Service Code has been entered on a Job Card.

Compulsory Service Requested

SBold Textelecting this will only let you save a Job Card if a Service Requested has been entered.

Compulsory Other Field

Selecting this will only let you save a Job Card if the Other field has been entered.

Compulsory Sales person Field

Selecting this will only let you save a Job Card if a Sales Person has been entered.

Compulsory Job Type

Selecting this will only let you save a Job Card if a the Job Type has been entered.

Compulsory Job Name

Selecting this will only let you save a Job Card if a the Job Name has been entered.

Print Labour on Job Card

Allows you to control whether a detailed labour breakdown appears printed on your Job Card printouts. This setting is system wide and can not be changed on a job by job basis.

Serial # in Parts Used

Select this option if you want to enter a serial number against each part added to a Job card. The serial numbers will be printed on the Job Card.

Bold TextWarn on duplicate order/ref No.

In order to reduce the chance of accidentally entering jobs more than once, TSM will warn you if the job order number or job reference number already exists.

Warn on Exceeding Customer Credit Limit

Indicate on the job card whether a contact has exceeded his/her credit limit.

Warn on updating Jobs linked to PDA

TSM will warn you if you edit any Job Card that has been updated from the TSMPalm or TSM Remote application.

Charge Tax on Job Card Service Fee

Check this option if you want to charge Tax on the service fee within a Job Card. Uncheck this option if the Service fee is exempt of Tax.

Quoted Labour Price includes all Fees

Choose whether you want quoted labour prices to include all fees or whether delivery and service fee is included or in addition to quoted price.

Quoted Job Price includes both parts and labour

If selected, entering a quoted parts or labour amount on a job card will assign both parts and labour quoted amount to the job even if either is zero. Unselecting this option will independently assign the quoted parts total to parts and the labour total to labour.

Amounts include tax

Select this to display amounts inclusive of tax by default. Any parts pricing, Labour rates, fees etc will be entered and displayed inclusive of tax when this is selected. Note: Despite this option being switched on, the monetary amounts will still be saved in the TSM database exclusive of tax.

Split time sheet when extending past regular hours

If this option is selected, time sheet entries extending over the start or close of business hours will automatically split into a separate entry within normal business hours at whatever rate you have selected, and another for the component outside of normal business hours at the default overtime rate.

Linked Primary Assignment

If this option is set, the first assignment created for each job will also set the job due date, time and employee id.

Auto create Linked Primary Assignment

If this option is set, a primary assignment will be created automatically, as soon as the job start date & time, employee and default labour type are entered.

Automatically calculate time sheet duration from start / finish time

Automatically calculate the hours worked / billed on a time sheet from the difference between the start and finish times. If unchecked, duration remains zero until entered by hand.

Default Sell price to Cost Price if zero

Should the Sell price of items added to jobs be set to the cost price if no default sell price is set.

Automatically add all site equipment for non Scheduled Jobs

Should all equipment items for the selected customer automatically be appended to the Job Card when it is created? TSM will look up the Maintenance Contracts for a contract Site the same as the job Customer ID or Site ID and will automatically add any equipment found to the job card.

OTHER & OTHER2 fields as Lookup List

Should the Other and Other2 fields be text boxes or dropdown lists displaying the Other and Other 2 code types from the Codes Setup?

Allow duplicate docket numbers in time sheets

If this is unticked, the user will be warned when a docket that has already been used number is entered on another time sheet.