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Job Cards Page 2

Job Cards Page 2

Office Hours

Enter your usual business hours here (eg. 09:00 -17:30). This is used in job due time calculations and for calculating when overtime commences.

Lunch Hours

Used for splitting timesheets up for lunch (see option on Job Cards Setup Page 1).

Repeat Job Warning Delay (days)

TSM will warn you if you add a job for a contact within the specified number of days.

We work on a Saturday/Sunday

Tells TSM whether to include Saturday and Sunday as working days in job due time calculations.

Default Labour type for Overtime

The default Labour Type TSM will use for overtime time sheets (used with the auto split time facility).

Default Labour type for Lunch

The default Labour Type TSM will use for the lunch timesheet, when splitting for lunch (see above).

Escalation warning 1, 2 & 3

Set the default Escalation times that TSM applies to jobs for sorting by colour on the Job Centre Escalation sort order.

These setting affect the job entries in the Job Centre Escalation sort order with a colour-coded scheme to indicate escalation status. You can override these escalation times by selecting a corresponding priority code. See Job Centre Sort order for more details.

Sort uncommenced jobs for prior days – Above Red / Below Green

Decide how the Job Centre Escalation sort order sorts colours for uncommenced jobs from prior days. TSM can consider this critically important and sort it to the top of the list above the Red entries, or TSM can consider them lower priority and sort them below the Green entries.

Calculate Escalation from which date

This option allows the choice of job card attribute to calculate escalation times from; job due date or the estimated completion date.

Default Job Card Printer

Choose the default printer for printing job cards to.

Default Delivery Docket Printer

Choose the default printer for printing delivery dockets to.

Default Label Printer

Choose the default printer for printing labels to.

Customer / Employee Email Subject

dBase expression to use for Subject of Customer and Employee Emails. The default expression is:

"Job Card Notification "+ALLTRIM(STR(SERVCARD.Servcardid))+" "+IIF(!EMPTY(servcard.ordernumbe),"Order # "+ALLTRIM(servcard.ordernumbe)+"","")+TRIM(IIF(!EMPTY(SERVCARD.company),SERVCARD.company,sitecust.OrgName))

Although you can change this expression to whatever you want in the subject field, we recommend you do not change it unless you are familiar with dBase expressions. If in doubt, contact your TSM consultant or TSM Support who are trained in the use of dBase expressions.

Fast text Search Fields

Job Card text fields to be included in the Fast Text index. The number of fields being indexed may affect the speed of some functions in TSM. It is not recommended that you change these settings without first seeking the advice of your TSM Consultant or TSM Tech support.

Label Printing Size

Are the labels being printed out on a whole A4 page or on a Dot Matrix Printer.

Minutes Prior Due Time for Pop-Up Warning – 0 to disable

TSM will regularly activate a pop-up warning, alerting you of jobs falling due within the pop-up warning interval selected. The pop-up warning time must be in minutes. For example, set this to 30 to be warned 30 minutes prior to jobs being due. You may disable the pop-up warning by setting this to 0.

Frequency of checking for due time pop-up

TSM will check for due times at a frequency (in minutes) specified in this field.

Due Time Delay (Minutes)

Default response time, in minutes, for jobs not assigned a due time.

Enable SMS Gateway

Enable SMS capability in TSM. TSM supports SMS messaging to its contacts via an Email gateway. You will need to use an SMS service provider that generates SMS messages sourced from an Email. You can use your own service provider or Proware can provide a competitively priced gateway. Contact Proware for details.

SMS – To

Who are the SMS messages being sent to? This is usually the email address of your SMS provider. You can substitute the mobile phone number of the recipient by entering %MOBILE%

SMS - Subject

The subject of the SMS message. You can substitute the mobile phone number of the recipient by entering %MOBILE%

SMS Message Line 1

Optional 1st line of the SMS messages. You can substitute the mobile phone number of the recipient by entering %MOBILE%

SMS Message Line 2

Optional 2nd line of the SMS messages. You can substitute the mobile phone number of the recipient by entering %MOBILE%

Strip Carriage Returns

This option removes carriage returns from the SMS text.

Split at 160 characters

For messages over the standard’s 160 character limit, turning this option on will ensure that longer text will be split into multiple emails, resulting in multiple SMS messages. Switching this off will cut all messages at 160 characters.