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Job Cards Page 3
Job Cards Page 3
Default Job Employee Id To logged In User |
TSM allows you to setup when we are adding new job it set the employee id to default logged in user.
Do not allow job completion if timers are running |
When this setup is checked it does not allow to complete job/stage/variation if timer is running in respective job/stage/variation.
Do not show last job/service date |
When this setup is checked it does not allow to show last job completed or done for client.
Automatically set Job due date to Job logged date |
TSM allows you to setup when we are adding new job it set the job due date job logged date.
Calculate Estimated End Date |
When this setup is checked it should in job automatically calculate the estimated end date from job card duration and job date.
Charge tax on job card service fee |
When this setup is checked it will charge tax on service fee applied.
Amount Include Tax |
When this setup is checked it will display amount inclusive of tax by default.
Display Minimum Margin % |
When this setup is checked it will show job minimum margin popup warning display the actual minimum margin%.
Allow duplicate docket numbers in time sheets |
When this setup is checked it will allow duplicate docket numbers in time sheets.
Job history includes Customer, Billing Customer and Site |
When this setup is checked it includes the job history from customer or Billing customer or site.
POS Invoices defaults to Quoted parts |
When this setup is checked it allow to include the POS invoice defaults to Quoted parts.
Linked Primary Assignment |
When this setup is checked it allow to link primary Assignment with job date/time.
Enable Checklist |
When this setup is checked it enable checklist for Jobs and Equipment.
Auto Created linked Primary Assignment |
When this setup is checked and we create job it link primary Assignment with job date/time.
Priority/SLA should not change job date |
When this setup is checked it does not recalculate the job due date even when Priority/SLA code is set.
Priority/SLA should not change received date |
When this setup is checked it does not recalculate the received due date even when Priority/SLA code is set.
Automatically add all site equipment for non scheduled jobs |
When this setup is checked it should all equipment for selected customer automatically be appended to the job card when created.
Do not remove equipment on job if it already exist |
When this setup is checked and when selecting equipment add to job do not ask to remove existing equipment if it already exist.
Highlight Equipment serviced |
When this setup is checked it will highlight any equipment which is previously serviced.
Highlight Equipment not linked to contract |
When this setup is checked it will highlight any equipment which is not linked to any maintenance contract.
Explode BOM/kits when added to job Equipment |
When this setup is checked it will automatically expand BOM or kit into its component parts when added as job equipment.
Job Maintenance button searches sites only |
When this setup is checked job maintenance button lookup equipment against site id otherwise it will lookup equipment against customer, bill customer and site.
Auto Create Maintenance Contract on Job Completion |
When this setup is checked it automatically create a maintenance contract or link to an existing contract job linked equipment when the job is completed and equipment is not already linked to contract.
Auto set Maintenance Billing Customer |
When this setup is checked it should the Billing Customer id be automatically changed when equipment is added to job card from maintenance button.
Enable equipment counters |
When this setup is checked it enable the equipment counters.
Warn if open quote exists |
When this setup is checked tsm warns when we assigning customer id to a job if open quotes exist for that customer.
Warn when job start time conflicts with another job |
When this setup is checked tsm warns when start time conflicts with another job.
Warn when saving jobs without assigned employee |
When this setup is checked tsm warns when we save a job which don't have any employee assigned.
Warn when Completing jobs without assigned employee |
When this setup is checked tsm warns when we complete a job which don't have any employee assigned.
Warn on Duplicate order no/ref |
When this setup is checked tsm warns when same job order number and reference number is entered.
Warn on exceeding Customer credit limit |
When this setup is checked tsm warns user that customer credit limit is exceeded whenever job changes are made.
Warn on updating jobs linked to Tsm Mobile |
When this setup is checked tsm warns whenever a job changed that has been sent to Tsm Mobile .
Compulsory Customer Order Number |
TSM allows you to setup each contact to enforce compulsory entry of the Job Card order number. This is ideal when you have been advised by your contact that they will not accept an invoice unless accompanied by one of their order numbers.
However, what if your job card has a different Billing Customer ID from the Job Customer ID? Which customer’s order number enforcement rule do you follow? Select the Job Customer, The Billing Customer or either customer to determine whether the order number is compulsory.
Default Sell price/Labour Type based on |
When sell price calculations are made for items purchased, and labour type is picked for new jobs this settings toggles the source to be either the Job Contact’s the Billing Contact’s defaults.
Warranty Type |
TSM can accommodate two different types of Job Card warranties.
Job Card warranty applies to the job as a whole where a single warranty covers the whole job. This is the usual method of warranty and is useful in situations when you carry out a single service job and provide warranty for that service.
Item based warranty provides individual warranties for each item placed on a Job Card. An example of this would be for pest control where a Job Card could have cockroaches covered for 6 months, ants for 3 months, spiders for 12 months etc.
Default on Startup |
When ever you first look at a Job Card, should the Contact screen initially display the Contact’s Address or the Contact’s Note.
Customer’s Details phone is Phone Home / Phone Work |
Should the Customer’s home or work phone number be put onto the job card?
Calculate Priority Due Date from Date Logged or Date Received |
The Job Priority code is used to calculate the due date of the job based on a response time. Should the job due date be calculated from the date the job was logged or the date Received?
Average travel time per job for reporting |
Average travel time in hours to be added to each time used calculations in employee Productivity Report.
Round Time Billing Hours Up to nearest part of an hour |
This enables you to round the time billed to the nearest quarter or half hour or whatever period you want. Enter time in minutes or leave blank to disable time rounding.
Warn when adding Parts to Completed Jobs |
This option gives you a counter-measure against accidentally adding parts to jobs that have already been completed. TSM will warn you whenever you add parts to completed jobs.
Automatically set Job Due Date to Job Log Date |
Selecting this will automatically set the Job Due date to be the same as the Job Log date whenever you create a new job card. Leave this unchecked if you want the Job Due date to default to blank.
Always popup customer search |
Select this option if you want the Customer Search screen to pop-up whenever you enter a Customer ID on the Job Card even if an exact match is found.
Email customer on job completion |
Automatically send the Job Card by email to the customer whenever you complete the job.
Employee labour type overrides all others |
If the employee assigned to a time sheet has his own labour type set in employee maintenance, selecting this option will force TSM to use that labour type rather than the default job card labour type.
Default Site ID to Customer ID |
Should the Site ID of a new Job default to the Customer ID or should it remain blank.
Minimum fee includes parts total |
When calculating the minimum fee to charge on a job, should the calculation include the parts total or should it be restricted to labour and other fees.
Parts use include dimensions |
This enables entry of dimensions and unit quantity on the Parts Used screen.
Disable Employee Group drop down on time entries |
If the employee group setting is never used on time entries, it can be disabled using this option.
Warning when saving jobs without assigned Employee |
A warning message will come up if a job is saved and the employee is blank.
Open new job window when searching |
Should a new job window be launched whenever searching for a new job number from Job Centre, Visual Scheduler etc. If selected, a new job window will pop up each time you view jobs from the Job Centre or Visual Scheduler. If unchecked, existing job window will change to the new job as long as the job is not being edited. If it is being edited (Save / Cancel buttons visible) then a new job window will be launched anyway.
Archive Quotes |
If this is ticked, a PDF document will be created using the default Quote report, stored and attached to the job at the point of unticking the “Quote” box on a Job card.
Calculate Estimated End Date |
This option enables automatic calculation of the end date, based on the job cards entered date and estimated duration.
Show customer discounts on parts used |
Show product discounts on parts used when a customer discount is applied.
Automatically set Maintenance Billing Customer |
Should the Billing Customer ID be automatically changed when equipment is added to a job using the Maintenance Button.
Warn when timesheets overlap |
A warning will pop up if a timesheet is saved whose time-span overlaps any part of the time-span for another timesheet with the same Employee ID.
Warn when job start time conflicts with another job |
A warning will pop up if a job is saved with a start time that matches that of another job for the same employee.
Auto create new customer on Quick Jobs and Helpdesk |
A new customer card will be created is an unknown Customer id is entered into the Quick Job or Helpdesk module. If this is not ticked, a search screen will pop up for any unknown Customer IDs.
Enable HRA |
TSM allows you to Enable or Disable HRA tab with this setup,if this Enable HRA setup is checked then only we can see HRA tab in job card and add HRA for a job.
Enable Tasks |
TSM allows you to Enable or Disable Tasks tab with this setup,if this Enable Tasks setup is checked then only we can see Tasks tab in Job card ,Wide Jobs,Help Desk,Wide Help Desk,Customers,Suppliers, Visual Scheduler and add Task.
Customer Terms and Conditions |
Select the text to use on the Job Card Customer Approval - Terms & Conditions report.
Enter text for the First paragraph, Main body and Customer acknowledgement part of 'Terms and Conditions.'