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Scheduled Maintenance Rollover Date

Whenever you complete a Scheduled Maintenance job, TSM will want to rollover the next schedule date to the next period in the schedule. TSM uses one of three methods to calculate the next schedule date

In the following example, assume the schedule period is every 3 months, the Job Schedule job was created on the 1st of January, the schedule is due on the 7th of January and the schedule is completed on the 10th of January.

  • From completed Date - The schedule period is added to the date the job is completed. i.e. the schedule date will default to the 10th of April. The benefit of this method is that your scheduled jobs will always be scheduled the agreed period after the job is completed, even if the job was delayed for some reason. However, this method does not agree that you will get the agreed number of scheduled jobs in a 12 month period.
  • From Logged Date - The schedule period is added to the date the schedule job was logged in TSM. i.e. the schedule date will default to the 1st of April. This method starts counting the schedules from the earliest possible point in the job cycle enabling you to bring forward the schedule if you wish.
  • From Last Schedule Date - The schedule period is added to the next schedule date i.e. the schedule date will default to the 7th of April. This method ensures you provide the agreed number of scheduled jobs in a 12 month period, even If you are delayed in performing a particular scheduled job.
Which Code is Assigned to Job Customer ID

As you are aware, TSM schedules are linked to equipment at a Site and a Maintenance Contract could contain multiple sites. Thus there is an ambiguity as to whether to use the Site Customer ID or the Maintenance Contract Customer ID on any jobs linked to maintenance equipment.

When creating a job card that is linked to a maintenance item or is a Scheduled Maintenance job, you can select which contact should be assigned to the Job Card Customer ID. The two possible values are the Contract Customer ID or the Site Customer ID.

Scheduled Maintenance Fee assigned to

If a Scheduled Maintenance job has a schedule fee assigned to it, where should this fee go on the Job Card? You have two options:

  • Job Card Service fee - The Schedule fee will be added to the Job Card service fee and thus will be included in the job total. Use this when you have agreed on a price to charge for each scheduled service job.
  • Job Card Estimated Schedule price - The Schedule fee will be displayed on the Job Card as an Estimate for the price to charge for the scheduled service but will not be included in the Job Card total. Use this method if you want the fee to act as a guide only to the price to charge for a scheduled job.
Job Card logged date is set to Creation Date / Next Schedule Date

Select whether the logged date of a scheduled job is set to the creation date or the next schedule date.

In Warranty Priority Code

The default priority code TSM assigns to Job Cards linked to items that are within their warranty period.

In Contract Priority Code

The default priority code TSM assigns to Job Cards linked to items that are out of their warranty period but within a valid contract date range.

Out of contract Priority Code

The default priority code TSM assigns to Job Cards linked to items that are out of their warranty period and the contract they are linked to, has expired.

Non-contract Priority Code

The default priority code TSM assigns to Job Cards not linked to any maintenance items but where the Job Customer ID is a site on an existing and current Maintenance contract. Use this to apply special rates for non contract jobs done for contract contacts.

Prepaid Support Reorder Point (Hours)

The number of hours of prepaid support left below which TSM warns you that you need to order more time.

Schedule maintenance window (days)

The number of days the Process Maintenance Schedule will automatically count forward to set the default Schedule To date.

Prepaid time can be overdrawn (negative)

Selecting this option will allow you to use more pre-paid time than is available. This is handy if you run out of prepaid time and send an invoice for additional prepaid time but that invoice has not been processed yet. You can overdraw your prepaid allocation and then when the new hours are applied, the additional hours will be reflected in the available hours.

Synchronise contract renewal date and schedule expiry date

Normally, Scheduled Jobs will continue forever until you enter a schedule expiry date. This can be tedious if you have many schedules. Checking this option will continue schedules as long as the contract they are linked to is valid. As soon as the contract expires, Schedules will stop too. If you then renew the contract, the schedules will automatically continue.

Print scheduled jobs when created

Select this option to automatically print out job cards for all scheduled jobs created from the Maintenance module using the Cards option.

Always pop up search on initial entry

Select this option if you want 'Search' screen to pop-up whenever you get into Maintenance Contract.

Create one job for multiple schedules when same.

Select this option if you want to create one job for multiple schedules when item, employee, schedule type and dates are the same.

Note: The date and time needs to be the same for this option to work. The service charge on the resulting job card will the sum of service charges from the merged schedules.

Make estimated hours the longest/total of all schedules

This option is available only if the previous option is on. The estimated hours can be set to the longest or similarly to the service fee, to the total of all schedules.

Roll forward past schedules to next schedule after today?

Whenever creating jobs from Maintenance Contracts Cards option, automatically roll forward past schedules to the date of the next due schedule or today if no next schedule date found.

Allow duplicated serial numbers

Allow Maintenance Contract Items to have duplicated serial numbers for the same part number.

Compulsory equipment Installed date

This option makes the equipment installed date compulsory.

Synchronise Equipment comments with Job Equipment comments

Determines whether Job equipment comment should be copied back to the Maintenance equipment comment.

Default Faulty Equipment Swap Out Site

Default maintenance site to swap faulty equipment into. Press to search for the site – the contract number and site ID will be displayed. Press to remove it.

Swap Out Equipment warranty period (Months)

Warranty period assigned to swapped out equipment (Months).

Next Contract # (Zero to disable)

This setting is for automatic contract numbering, which is helpful when maintenance contracts need to be created in bulk and their numbers made sequential. Leave this at zero if you want to specify the contract number yourself every time.