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Audit Trail

Audit Trail

This module datestamps select TSM functions. The table includes the following columns:


The type of function being logged. Below is a list of type codes and what they mean:

  • ADD JOB - a job has been added
  • DELASG - an assignment has been deleted
  • DELJOB - A job has been deleted
  • DELPODET - An item has been deleted from a Purchase Order. No job number will be logged against this line
  • JOB COMPLETED - a job card has been completed
  • JOB TIMER - job timer has been activated *
  • JOB_EMPLOYEE - The employee on a job has been changed. The old EmployeeID will be logged in the Employeeid column
  • JOB_UNCOMPLETE = a job card has been 'uncompleted' (removing the Completed Date and then saving)
  • LOGIN - when an employee has logged in to tsm
  • PRODCOST - cost price of a product has been changed
  • ASSIGNMENT - An employee has been changed on an assignment
  • STATUSCODE - An assignment has been created for an employee
  • UPDATE_EMPLOYEEID - the employee id has been updated *
  • LOGOUT - The Utilities/Logged In Users has been used to log out a particular user
  • SHUTDOWN - The Utilities/Logged In Users was used to log out all users
  • SHUTIMMEDIATE - TSM has been shut down using the shutimmediate command line handle – no user will appear in logemp *

The date & time this function has been executed.


The employee for whom this function has been executed


The employee that has performed the operation.

Job #

The job number in relation to which the function has been logged.

Order #

The order number in relation to which the function has been logged.


A short description of the event.


You have three filtering opotion:

  1. Filter the audit screen by any of the actions in the menu at the bottom left of the screen
  2. Define a time period by selecting a TO and FROM time from the respective menus
  3. Select an employee group from the EMPLOYEE GROUP menu

The audit trail can now be printed by selecting PRINT